*삼각 글래스 패턴, 도시 이정표를 세우다 [ Wingårdhs ] Glass triangles animate facade of auditorium

스웨덴 건축회사  Wingårdhs가 최근에 완공한 오디토리움의 건축적 특징은 건축과 도시와의 접점에서 대지의 장소성을 부각, 랜드마크화 함으로써 단절된 어반 스트럭쳐를 연결하는 이정표를 구축하는데 있다. 도시 재개발 사업의 한 부분으로 1000석 규모의 대형 오디토리움과 오피스 그리고 학부클럽으로 구성되며 외부적으로는 인접한 병원과 대학을 연결하는 보행자와 새롭게 구축된 도로를 연결한다. 이러한 환경 구축을 위해 라운드 엣지는 새로운 도로와 보행자로 그리고 건축물을 하나로 읽히게 하는 비쥬얼 프론트 디자인을 구현; 삼각형태로 이루어진 글래스 판넬이 빛에 반응하며 생성하는 모자이크 패턴을 다시 건축물 내부와 외부 도로 및 페이빙에 투사하며 관계성을 성립시킨다. 그리고 커튼월 패턴은 내부 프로그램 및 레벨에서 요구되는 투명성과 쉐이딩에 적합하도록 디자인되며 다채로운 시퀀스를 형성, 거대한 이정표를 완성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Strange enough, no large auditorium was built at Karolinska Institutet when its campus was created in the 1940’s. Yes, there were intentions, but the medical university expanded in numbers as well as ranking without any possibility to assemble neither students nor scientists in large numbers. In the beginning of the new millennia, a donation finally made it possible to complete the compound with the venue it needed so long.

An auditorium at a university, or aula to use the word of the classical languages, goes beyond the task of a lecture hall. Its ceremonial roots in the church and the architectonic heredity in the theatre, makes the aula today's secular society's most solemn and ritual space. It is not only a tribute to science and education, but also a site for strong collective experiences.

The significance of the aula both for academia and for the society at large, calls for a protrude setting in the city. That is why the project for an aula at Karolinska Institutet moved from a remote site behind existing buildings to the exposed location where it is being built today. Wingårdhs' involvement began with a proposal in an invited competition in 2001. The entry was selected for further development, and as the site later altered, the client's choice of architect remained.

The new location for the building is congenial with its position in the academic society as well as in the emerging cityscape. The building protrudes over the intersection between Solnavägen, a thoroughfare that is about to be transformed into an urban street, and the pedestrian axis that will connect the university with the extensive hospital currently under construction next by. The proximity to its large complex called for an expressive form, and discussions with the antiquary authorities created a clarifying distinction to a listed building nearby.

These geometries – the street 5,5 meter below the crossing pedestrian axis and the V-shaped auditorium – denominated the plan. The urban pattern called for a building that treated the street with the same respect as the main entrance toward the walkway. If Solnavägen shall be a street with a human presence in the future, entrances close to the pavement are of crucial importance.

If the relation to the city is guided by a wish to adapt to an urban pattern, the plan of the building is generated by the auditorium. For a large aula of today, where lectures with images and performances on the stage demand good sightlines and acoustics to each and every seat, the V-shaped seating have proved to be the most efficient. It has not always been like that. The shape of the hall has changed by changing objectives. For KI, we believed that an arrangement where the speaker and the audience could meet on an equal basis, mirrored the academic society of today best. That is also why the level of the auditorium entrance is equal with the stage, as well as with the middle section of the dividable plenum. An auditorium at Nobel Center shall be equally accessible, but differences in size and mood may call for a different plan. The optimal solution is never static.

Daylight, efficiency and energy consumption (the aula has reached the "silver" level of sustainability) have been some of the key criteria when planning the aula, but the most visual statement will always be the inclined facade.

The twisted elevation is made entirely of flat glass panes; a geometry made possible by the triangular pattern that encloses the entire building. A variation of different panes handles the demands for insulation, transparency as well as shade without compromising the uniform character. In the interior, the wooden framework is as striking as the geometry. An ambition to provide a "Nordic" atmosphere to the setting, have called for an extensive use of fir in structures as well as surfaces.

The 1000-seat auditorium dominates the building that also hosts facilities for administration and a faculty club. These are located on top of the hall, which was made possible thru large trusses. The entire structure stands on three legs, located together with stairs and elevators in each corner. The retracted supports have enabled uninterrupted spaces indoor as well as continuity in the outer form. Variation will arise from shifts in light, as architecture always has.

from  dezeen


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