*파사드 패턴 디자인 [ Architectures Anne Démians ] RÉZO

다양한 패턴의 반복적인 구현을 통해 건축물의 새로운 캐릭터를 생성시키는 펀칭 알루미늄 패널은 거주자의 프라이버시 확보는 물론 외부 직사광 유입을 방지하는 스크린 역활을 수행한다. 이는 내부에 설치된 전동 블라인드와 함께 사용되며 능동적인 파사드 디자인으로 이전 대지-한때는 철도 차량기지로 사용되었으며 어느 시간 이후 방치되었다가 새로운 오피스 공간으로 제공된다.-의 성격을 무마시키는 적극적인 건축어휘로 사용된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Designing a generic office building is not an enviable task, especially since the developer’s preference for the largest flexible floor area often trumps architectural expression. However, the latest office building by Architectures Anne Démians – located in Paris’ 17th arrondissement – proves that generic programming does not necessarily lead to a banal outer appearance.

A 130-m-long rectangular volume, the building stands on a disused rail yard which the French National Railway Company has designated for redevelopment. ‘RÉZO is part of the “bureau blancs” typology, essentially open spaces where walls have been eliminated and the building can accommodate any programme,’ explains Anne Démians.

The shimmering metallic façade, where bands of aluminium panels alternate with perforated screens, might echo the streamlined trains that run on the adjacent tracks, but the structure’s silhouette, as well as its open, transparent plinth is decidedly Parisian. ‘The project itself is not discordant with its Haussmann neighbours; it has the same compactness as its neighbours, and matches their typical roofline,’ Démians says.

Furthermore, the perforated aluminium screens ensure a degree of privacy, prevent solar glare and stop excessive heat gains through the 1.8-m-tall windows. Each prospect has its own, optimised amount of perforations, and the east, south and west façades integrate electric blinds ‘The façade design assures that workspaces inside are distinct and bright and the filtered view through the cladding contributes to an atmosphere of calm and concentration,’ the architect points out, adding that the compact volume of the building, combined with its responsive skin, means that the building has passed the stringent environmental regulations with flying colours.

from  frameweb


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