*플로팅 아코야 우드 브릿지, 수면을 부유하다 [ RO&AD ] Ravelijn op den Zoom Floating Bridge

시간을 연결하는 브릿지, 네덜란드 베르겐에 위치한 플로팅 브릿지를 통해 우리는 18세기 방어의 목적으로 구축된 요새에 쉽게 접근 할 수 있게되었다. 이러한 근본적인 이유는 이곳을 찾는 관광객 뿐만아니라 지역주민들의 다양한 이벤트를 지원하는 소셜스페이스로 제공되는, 그래서 활용도가 높아진 요새의 원활한 접근성 확보를 위해 시작되었다. (이전에는 오로지 배로만 접근이 가능하였다.) 물에 잘 썩지 않는 아코야 우드를 이용한 이중구조로 수면위에 부유하는 브릿지의 유연한 디자인은 보트의 운행루트를 기억하며 80미터 길이로 유유히 자리한다. 마치 보트가 지나간 물길을 보고 있는 듯한 착각을 불러 일으킨다.

아코야 목재(Accoya Wood): 네덜란드 Accsys Technologies사에서 개발한 친환경 목재로, 아세틸 처리를 통하여 물을 빨아 들이는 친수성을 물과의 친화력이 적은 성질인 소수성으로 바꿔 미생물과 곤충이 목재를 소화를 못하도록한 제품이다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Architects RO&AD have recently completed the Ravelijn op den Zoom Floating Bridge in Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands.

Dutch military engineer Menno van Coehoorn built the Ravelijn op den Zoom fortress in Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands, in the 18th century. Designed with a moat as its system of defense, Ravelijn op den Zoom was only accessible by boat. Today, the fortress is used for small events—and with the moat still in place could only be reached by a single bridge. RO&AD architects sought to provide additional access to the small island to better accommodate guests as well as provide another exit for emergencies.

To increase access without distracting from the historic appearance and layout, the architecture team designed a floating bridge that sits on the water. The bridge is 80 meters long and echoes the same path boats took to reach Ravelijn op den Zoom. The bridge follows a curved pattern that doubles as a design aesthetic as well as covering the floaters—polyethylene pipes filled with air—on which the bridge sits.

Designed with Accoya wood, the bridge surface features a natural and beautiful appearance that complements the historic nature of the fortress. Accoya wood undergoes a revolutionary proprietary modification process called acetylation that renders it an unrecognizable food source, preventing fungal decay achieving increasing Class 1 durability while increasing its dimensional stability; swelling and shrinkage are reduced by 70% or more. The material is sourced from FSC-certified forests, Cradle to Cradle Gold certified and independent tests have shown its carbon negative.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY