*슈만 그룹 빌딩 [ Bekkering Adams Architects ] Schuurman Group

여기 네덜란드 A9번 고속도로에 접한 Schuurman 그룹 빌딩은 내부환경, 프로그램의 기능이 투영된 파사드 디자인을 통하여 독특한 아이텐티를 구현한다. -저층부 코너 프로그램의 가시성 확보 및 기능성 확보를 위해 양 끝단 외피는 들려지며 유니크한 파사드를 생성한다.- 빌딩은 크게 두개의 공간으로 구성된다. 후면부에 위치한 12미터 높이의 단층 창고구역 그리고 전면부 도로에 면한 3층 오피스 구역으로 구성된다. 특히 상이한 두개의 공간 사이, 상층부에 위치한 파티오 가든은 깊어진 실내부로 자연채광을 유도하는 패시브 디자인 동시에 두개의 구역을 버퍼 또는 링크하는 중립지대로 설정, 공간을 수렴시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The new accommodation for the Schuurman Group is located on a prime location, seen from the highway A9 in the North of the Netherlands, and adjacent to a nature reserve. It is designed as a freestanding object, whereby each side has its own specific character and appearance. The volume is uplifted at the corners to give room to the special functions of the program.

Architects: Bekkering Adams Architects
Location: , The Netherlands
Project Architect: Juliette Bekkering, Monica Adams
Design Team: Perry Klootwijk, Esther Vlasveld, Frank Venhorst, Vincent Hector, Lukas Heiniger, Michel Leunis, Paul Michielsen, Sander van Schaik, Albert-Jan Vermeulen, Manuel Aust
Area: 9,105 sqm
Year: 2008
Photographs: Digi Daan, Christian Richters, Jansje Klazinga

Client: Schuurman Group

The building has an efficient layout with a 12-meter high single-storey warehouse and 3 floors of office space. On the top floor a patio-garden across the building brings light deep into the building. It also provides a visual and physical link between the offices and the warehouse-area. In this way the patio works as an important spatial, as well as organising element, while connecting the warehouse and office space.

In the building several sustainable measures are incorporated, such as concrete floor slabs as thermal active system, subterranean hot & cold storage, and a low energy lighting and control system, set up as a Philip’s pilot project.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY