*캐나다 원주민 문화 센터 [ Rubin & Rotman Architects ] Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute

Aanischaaukamikw원주민 문화센터는 지역 원주민의 전통과 역사를 현재에 전송하는 매개공간으로 시간과 장소의 영속성을 지금, 또는 다음 세대를 위해 전달한다. 그들의 전통적인 건축? 양식을 차용, 재해석한 센터와 부속건물들은 중심부에 길다란 원뿔 형태의 전시홀을 기점으로 방사형태로 배치된다. 국제적인 박물관 설계 룰을 따라 디자인된 전시홀은 박물관 기능과 다양한 소셜활동을 지원하기 위한 공간으로 어르신들의 재미난 이야기 또는 뮤직 쇼, 댄스 등 다양한 이벤트 지원과 원주민들의 다양한 생활상을 볼 수 있는 전시장으로 구성된다. (그당시 그들의 사냥기술, 예술, 수공예품들이 그들의 언어로 전시 된다.)

reviewed by SJ,오사

Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute has the mission of transmitting the traditional Cree culture it draws upon to future generations.

The building’s concept turns to the classic architecture of the Cree people’s traditional longhouse, the shaptuan, and to the particular context of the village of Oujé-Bougoumou. In this village, built in 1992 and unique in many respects, the main buildings were set within a broad circle in the centre of the village. The Aanischaaukamikw Institute rounds out the layout of this space, where the Band Council office is also located.

Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, Oujé-Bougoumou, Canada
Program: cultural insitute
Architects: Rubin & Rotman Architects
Team members: Stephen Rotman, Bruno Morin, Roberto Campos, Pascale Tétrault
In collaboration with: Douglas Cardinal, Architect
General contractor: Aecon Group Ltd. 
Completion: 2011

The Institute includes an exhibition hall designed according to international museum standards, making it both a museum and meeting place. Community activities are held on the ground floor, where dance and music shows take place along with more intimate gatherings featuring storytellers and elders.

On the lower floor are the offices of associations involved in preserving the Cree language, hunting methods and arts and handicrafts, as well as in promoting tourism.

Wood is used extensively, evoking the fundamental importance of the forest to the Cree people. Special attention was paid to transposing symbolic elements reflecting traditional Cree habitat to this contemporary building. The open plan and transparency of the ground floor make the Institute the heart of the community. The project is awaiting LEED certification.

from  domusweb


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