*모던 건축의 그 장중한 콘크리트 [ haworth tompkins ] chichester festival theatre

건축사 사무소 haworth tompkins 가 최근에 리노베이션한 chichester festival theatre은 1962년 지어진 오리지널 콘크리트 구조물-모던건축-의 복원과 지역주민들의 다양한 문화활동 보장을 위한 오디토리움, 대형 포이어의 리노베이션이 진행된다. (여기에 새로운 백하우스가 추가된다.) 이러한 프로젝트의 시작은 영국건축가 powell and moya 의 공원내 파빌리온으로 시작된 두개의 화장실과 소규모 레스토랑의 건축물의 오리지널로의 진정한 수복을 목적으로 한다. -70년대 부터 시작된 불분명한 확장 및 컨셉으로 인하여 구조물은 그 의미를 상실하였다.- 그리하여 진행된 프로젝트는 기존 오리지널 구조물을 제외한 그간 덧붙여진 구조물, 공간, 장식의 제거와 내후성강판으로 마감된 백 하우스 증축으로 60년대 모던건축을 정의하는 장중한 콘크리트 구조물과 새로운 공용공간과의 조화로운 만남으로 완성된다. 어린이 대공원, 꿈마루 프로젝트처럼, 이전 모던 건축의 장중한 콘크리트 구조물은 그간 흉내내기 바빠 본질을 상실한채 건축의 껍데기에 치중한 건축의 과오를 적나라하게 보여주며 건축이 그동안 진보가 아닌 퇴보의 발걸음을 밟아 왔음을 상기 시킨다. 건축, 다시 그 본질을 찾을 수 있을까?

reviewed by SJ,오사

haworth tompkins has completed the restoration of ‘chichester festival theatre‘, a modernist concrete structure which originally opened in 1962. the project involves the extensive renewal of the existing building, which now incorporates a carefully remodeled auditorium, larger foyers and a new back of house extension.

conceived as a ‘pavilion in the park’ by british architects powell and moya, the design originally featured two toilets, a small restaurant and no heating. since the 1970s the design’s architectural integrity was compromised by a series of questionable extensions and alterations that reduced the legibility of the concept.

haworth tompkins’ solution restores clarity to the design: removing all of the non-original structures and rebuilding the back of house facilities with a dramatic corten steel extension. much needed repairs to the 1960s concrete have been another important element of the work. at the front of the theatre, the stair enclosures have been opened up – flooding the ground floor foyer with natural daylight – while two installed passenger lifts provide full access throughout the building for the first time.

to complement the hexagonal geometries of the existing structure, visual artist antoni malinowski has hand painted the café’s ceilings and walls. working alongside charcoalblue, the site’s auditorium has been significantly remodeled to improve sightlines, with previously redundant side galleries reinstated and seating rakes steepened and reconfigured to strengthen the connection between performers and the audience.

as part of the refurbishment works, all existing heating, cooling and ventilation services throughout the building have been replaced with high performance systems. a ground source heat pump is used to heat the building during winter months and cool the building during warmer seasons. in addition, existing glass has been replaced with high performance double-glazing and the auditorium roof has been thermally upgraded.

powell and moya’s theatre is a much loved chichester institution, a hugely successful national producing theatre, a modernist architectural treasure, a milestone in the development of the contemporary auditorium and the birthplace of the national theatre company.

‘in conceiving this latest incarnation we have been careful to honor that extraordinary legacy, conserving the things that define its unique personality but improving the things that no longer worked. I hope our renovation will help both to safeguard the theatrical future and reframe the architectural boldness of this important, brilliant building’, explained steve tompkins director at haworth tompkins.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY