*시드니 가든 파빌리온 [ AR-MA ] Sydney garden pavilion

8일간의 구축기간을 통해 152조각의 자기질 판넬은 미팅 플레이스, 이벤트 및 발표를 위한 스테이지의 찬란한 장; 시드니 가든 파빌리온이 된다. 디지털 컴퓨팅을 통해 모델링된 형상은 452개의 스테인레스 스틸 스트럭쳐 유닛으로 패브릭케이션되며 이를 마감하는 익스테리어; 자기질 판넬, 인테리어; 블랙미러로 완성된다. 유기적인 형상이 주는 심미적인 아름다움보다 이러한 형상을 구축 가능케 하는 패브릭케이션과 서브 스트럭쳐 시스템은 이번 프로젝트의 주된 관점이다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Robotically-produced Corian panels were joined to laser-cut mirrors to create the curves of this pavilion in the garden of Sydney's Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, designed by Australian studio AR-MA

AR-MA's Trifolium design was the winning entry to the second edition of the annual Fugitive Structures architecture competition, which invites emerging or mid-career architects to propose designs for a structure that employs cutting-edge technologies.

Trifolium is a self-supporting shell structure with a three-pronged shape, which creates a curving canopy that can be used as a meeting place, an auditorium or a stage for events.

The exterior shell comprises 152 pieces of robotically cut Corian – a manmade solid surface material that is heated and shaped to create the unique pieces.

Each Corian panel has been fixed to a corresponding piece of curved black mirror-polished stainless steel using 452 unique steel brackets.

The stainless steel panels are individually curved to produce an internal surface that creates distorted reflections.

"There are thousands of components and each one is unique," said AR-MA director Robert Beson. "The only common elements are the bolts and screws that hold it together, so really it's a logistical project of tracking and managing all of the information and material."

AR-MA worked with global engineering firm Arup to develop the form of the pavilion, using structural analysis software to monitor the stiffness and strength of the materials and components.

The structure was entirely prefabricated off-site and assembled in just eight days. The 19-millimetre-thick Corian panels are rebated and were slotted together around a scaffolding frame to produce a rigid and watertight surface.

"Rather than bring a whole bunch of sticks and sheets to site that you then chop up and make into a building, everything is designed to efficiently use materials and resources off-site to be produced to a higher standard and then brought to site and put together," said Beson.

Fibre-optic cables offer lighting within the concrete paving slabs laid underneath, which have an irregular pattern that echoes that of the steel panels, and they create reflections on the structure's stainless-steel inner skin.

Last year's inaugural edition of the Fugitive Structures competition saw architect Andrew Burns install a charred timber structure with curved walls leading to a secluded space in SCAF's garden.

from  dezeen


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