*포고섬 자연공원 센터 [ oto arquitectos ] fogo island park HQ

자연 속으로 사라지다. 대지를 포함한 특이한 주변 자연환경은 내츄럴 파크 헤드쿼터의 고유한 캐릭터를 구체화하는 주요한 인자로 화산지형의 독특한 물성을 고스란히 담아 낸다. 카보 베르데 정부로 부터 의뢰받은 포루투칼 디자인 스튜디오, 오토 아키텍쳐는 이러한 건축환경을 지면으로 부터 선큰된 중정, 그리고 이를 감아도는 램프 및 리니어한 볼륨으로 구현하며 특별한 무언가? 생성한다. 이 지역 장인들의 기술과 지역 재료를 사용하여 구축한 건축물은 포고섬의 특별한 자연환경; 대부분이 화산활동으로 인하여 생성된 화산섬의 자연보호와 연구를 위한 오피스 및 연구실과 다양한 문화활동과 여가활동을 제공하는 약 1200여명 수용 규모의 커뮤니티 센터로 구성된다. 겉으로 드러내지 않는 자연 속에 일부분으로 건축물은 자리한다.

 reviewed by SJ,오사

in order to create an identity and improve management of a protected land on fogo island, portuguese studio oto arquitectos were commissioned by cape verde’s government to design a headquarters facility for the natural park. located in a barren volcanic landscape, the building takes a dark matte color, and a low ramping form around a central courtyard. an additional aim of the project was to appease the nearby town’s residents, and thus the structure incorporates spaces for cultural and recreational enjoyment. the facility contains offices and laboratories for technicians that are responsible for the administration and treatment of the preserved area. the building’s lighting is intended to radiate minimally to its context, so as not to disrupt native birds.

location: fogo island, cape verde
area: 3200 sqm
year: 2013
architecture: oto arquitectos
project team: andré castro santos, miguel ribeiro de carvalho, nuno teixeira martins, ricardo barbosa vicente
specialties: eng. amado alves | eng. maria joão rodrigues + eng. joão parente | prosirtec | matriz engenharia
contractor: armando cunha
client: ministry of agriculture
financier: kfw | general coordination, GOPA
photography: FG+SG – fernando guerra, sergio guerra

the natural park headquarters serves the nearby village, chã das caldeiras, which is situated at an altitude of 1800 meters in the crater of the fogo island’s volcano. the structure is made of local materials and techniques, by the town’s craftspeople. the community contains about 1200 inhabitants, and exists on the fringes of legality, occupying lands of the state. with a very geographically isolated location off the coast of western africa, it relies on agricultural production to ensure sustained survival.

due to the lack of any public utility grid, there is a necessity for energy independence, with a photovoltaic array as the main source. the building also utilizes a double water grid, where rain is collected from the roofs, along with the system’s greywater, for storage and reuse. the entire structure is surrounded by ramps and spaces containing local plant species from the natural park, serving to blend the headquarters into the landscape.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY