세느강 하부, 프랑스에서 두번째로 큰 항구를 가진 르하브시의 수변 재정비 사업은 기존 낙후된 부두 및 산업지역에 대한 이미지를 지우기 보다 이곳의 정체성을 재구성하는 단초로 사용, 건축공간을 다양하면서도 조밀한 공간으로 탈바꿈 시킨다. 상업적 뉘앙스가 물씬 풍기는 펀칭 메탈 판넬과 명쾌한 사각형태의 건축 디자인은 앞서 말한 지역적 장소성을 투영, 재구성함으로써 예산상의 제약에도 불구, 경제적인 도시 주거환경을 생성한다. 그결과 완성된 건축물은 저렴하면서도 명쾌한 아이텐티를 갖는 거주공간으로 지역주민들에게 제공된다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
Le Havre, situated on the Seine estuary, is the second largest port in France. The opening of Atelier Jean Nouvel’s Les Bains des Docks
aquatic centre in 2008 made it clear that the municipality took the
task of densifying and diversifying its ageing docks as a priority. Now,
Philippe Dubus Architectes realised a block of 65 dwellings across the street, in a continuing effort to revitalise the area.
appearance of the new ensemble pays tribute to its industrial
surroundings. An older corner building has been preserved by the
architects, adding two staggered medium-rise volumes containing
apartments and studios on either side, complemented by a lower block of
maisonettes at the back. Rectangular, robust forms, accentuate the
volumes and are clad with perforated steel panels in a reference to
mercantile commerce. Parking has been organised on the ground floor,
given the high water table in the area, but it has been concealed
beneath a communal, raised courtyard.
Ultimately, the architects
delivered a building with clear identity that respects its surroundings
and despite the budgetary constraints – partly as a result of the
economic crisis and partly because the building was meant to provide
affordable housing – they managed to achieve a relatively high level of
finishes. ‘The housing project sold out quickly and its residents are
delighted by it,’ the architects say.
from frameweb