*지그재그 베를린 퍼즐 하우스[ Sohrab Zafari ] Housing at the old city wall of Berlin

아이텐티한 폼은 단순히 심미적인 만족감을 위한 자의적인 행위가 아닌 장소성에 대한 투영으로 부터 시작된 건축이 하이퀄리티의 디테일과 현대적인 디자인이 생성하는 합리적인 기능과 지속가능한 공간이 만드는 하모니를 통해 완성된다. 중세시대의 역사적인 아이텐티, 남겨진 시대 유물은 대지에 대하여 특별함을 야기 시킨다. 그리고 이에 대한 부흥은 건축주가 건축가에게 요구한 거주공간의 특성 -밀집도 있으면서 개별적인 그리고 안전하면서도 주변에 위치한 중세시대 구조물과의 조화를 이루는 현대적인 공간구현-에 반영되며 6~7층 높이의 독특한 외형의 하우스를 완성시킨다. 520 sqm 대지면적 위에 채움이 아닌 비움 -void-으로 쌓아 올려진 공간은 거대한 마운틴 빌리지와 같이 개별적인 볼륨의 집합체로 거주자의 프라이버시 확보는 물론 대량의 채광과 환기를 유도하는 지속가능한 거주공간을 구현한다. 외향성과 내향성의 교차, 들여다 보기와 내어보기, 인테리어와 익스테리어, 빛과 그림자 이 상이한 요소들은 화이트 화강석과 플라스터 보드를 통해 컴플렉스 스페이스로 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

In Berlin Mitte, in Waisenstrasse opposite the old city walls, where a few isolated medieval structures are still to be found, was the 520 square meter plot. 

Its development potential and light situation proved to be a particular challenge, not only because of the complicated plot geometry but also the six -to seven- story tall buildings that border it.

Housing at the old city wall of Berlin, Germany
Sohrab Zafari
Year: 2014

Additional challenges were given by building code requirements, the perceptions of the Landesdenkmalamt (landmark building commission) as well as the desire of the owner and investor for maximum utilization of space with high architectural and spatial quality.

How can the density and individuality, security, and naturally grown fragmentation of the medieval structure with courtyards and alleys, as they once were, be transformed into a different, contemporary language? At this place, where time left so many scars, shouldn’t there be a house that's been developed not only to fill voids but also to leave voids?

The result is an individually from the inside out developed building complex with a mountain village like structure whose parts individually stretch to the light, for air and into the space, yet withdraw into hidden privacy.

The interaction of introversion and extroversion, looking in and looking out, interior and exterior spaces, light and shadow play, create their own complex cosmos.

The construction leaves interstitial space and places that offer retreat and relaxation to the over stimulated big city life, as well as shelter or a meeting room. The house lives with the light and changes due to the light at any given day time or season. It is constructed with light in mind and that is always noticeable.

The white, fine-grained and seamlessly plastered walls (ETICS) abandon the boundaries between interior and exterior spaces and let the individual buildings seem basic, abstract and sculptural by the way of the sharp edges of the building corners (waterproof Sto boards as a cover).

They reinforce the effect of light and provide an ideal reflective surface.

Patios and terraces, pool and water surfaces change at any time of day or season specific areas of the house and thereby contribute significantly to the increase in living quality.

The six-storey front building houses a parking garage in the basement, above five apartments two of which are organized as maisonettes. Two townhouses, five and three floors, designed as independent vertical units additionally accessed via a courtyard on the 1st floor. All apartments have been designed and customized individually. They differ fundamentally from each other yet form a unity.

from  domusweb


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