*비엔나 공동주거 프로젝트 [ Superblock ] Wohnen Mit Scharf

10,000호 주거를 목표로 추진되는 도시개발사업의 첫번째 블록, 공동주거 프로젝트는 지역적, 문화적 특징을 (이주민이 지역주민의 39%에 해당하는 지역으로 다양한 인종과 문화가 혼재된 장소) 투영한 총 51세대 공동주거로 제안된다. 이러한 건축 테마는 상이한 요소를 -문화,인종- 통합하는 아이텐티 디자인으로 퍼블릭과 프라빗을 비쥬얼하게 구별하는 핑크컬러와 각 가족구성의 특성에 맞도록 복층타입에서 싱글타입까지 구성된 주거유닛에서 동시에 찾아 볼 수 있다. 특히 공용부에 채색된 마젠다(핑크) 컬러는 저층부 카페, 주출입구, 주차장을 거쳐 상층부 객실 중앙복도에 연속됨으로써 기능적인 동선유도 효과와 아이텐티한 건축환경을 동시에 구축하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

To the north west of Vienna’s centre, the Nordbahnhof district is currently being redeveloped to add 10,000 households to the fast-growing, multi-cultural city – where almost 39% of inhabitants have immigrant background. Though the whole project will only be finalised in 2025, the recently completed ‘Wonhnen mit scharf!’ apartment building by Superblock already adds 51 dwellings to the equation.

‘Our project focuses on migration and integration of people with different cultural backgrounds,’ say the architects. ‘During this project, we got in touch with biber, a young magazine that discusses these issues in Vienna. With their help we realised that multi-ethnic inhabitants do not need different floor plans, but a place to identify with.’

The result is a simple block resting on a carved-out base that houses a café and an entrance to an underground parking garage. Above, apartments of different sizes are arranged along a central corridor, while the top two storeys are reserved for family-sized maisonettes with a double-height living space. All the apartments feature generous balconies and conform to Austria’s stringent energy regulations.

‘The bright colour of the communal circulation space was above all meant to give the whole building a clear character that the inhabitants could identify with,’ the architects explain. ‘We also started a media cooperation with biber in which they promoted the building to a wide spectrum of the population. Their colour is magenta and their motto is mit scharf. You also say this when you order fast food at a Viennese Würstelstand and it means “very spicy”. For us, it’s a nice way of saying that the project should be somehow special and different from others for the sake of its future inhabitants.’

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY