*벨기에 미델케르케 케어호텔 [ Architectuuratelier Dertien12 ] Carehotel Middelpunt

벨기에 해변가에 위치한 케어호텔은 일반인들과 장애들이 함께 정주하며 편안한 안식을 취할 수 있는 쉘터인 동시에 요양소로 제공된다. 장애인 그리고 그들의 가족들을 위한 휴양시설은 내부 중정을 중심으로하는 사각형태로 설계된다. 이는 주변자연환경을 비롯한 외부환경과의 밀접한 관계 생성을 통한 내부 거주환경 확보는 물론 효용성있는 조닝을 제공한다. 바닥에서 부터 천장까지 확장된 투명한 글래스 파사드로 구성된 그라운드레벨의 공용공간은 투숙객들을 위한 레스토랑, 로비, 세미나실 및 다목적실로 구성, 열린 공간을 창출한다. 이 위로 부터 자리한 두개의 윙?은 각각 투숙객들의 용이한 접근성 확보와 플렉서블하게 운영가능한 객실부와 장애인들의 치료 및 요양을 위한 지원시설이 배치된다. 그리고 각층 코너에 자리한 소셜스페이스를 통해 각 레벨공간은 막힘없는 소통을 보장 받는다. 케어호텔이 제공하는 건축환경은 일반호텔과는 차별화된 케어서비스 제공으로 지속성을 구현한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Along the Belgian coastline, 400m away from the shoreline, one hotel stands out of the crowd: ‘Middelpunt’. In this pilot project for a holiday care residence, persons with a disability, or in any need for care, are given the opportunity to fully enjoy a relaxing and worry-free stay at the Belgian coast.

Architects: Architectuuratelier Dertien12
Location: ,
Area: 5037.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Filip Dujardin

A lot of its hotel-guests (for example people with a degenerative desease) may rarely or never go on holiday. For themselves, ànd their families, holiday is nothing but a vague, never worry less goal in life, due to practical or emotional concerns. In Middelpunt, they are given an opportunity to merely forget about daily concerns, and enjoy a pleasant stay.

Gathered around a central patio, the whole project radiates openness and invites for contact for those who want to. The ground floor has a maximum of transparancy through floor ceiling glazing, which evokes gaze-throughs and a shiny light-infiltration. It hosts all public facilities, such as restaurant, lobby, seminars and multi-purpose classrooms. Two stories contain all residential facilities and hoover above the spatial groundfloor. On every storey, more intimate corners are designed, in fortune to accommodate different levels in ‘social participation’ throughout the building.

Two wings are fully equipped with technical infrastructure: one half of the building contains 24 accessible and flexible / adjustable rooms accomodating ‘tourism for all’, while the other half is provided for people with a degenerative desease such as Amyotrophic Laterla Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

The outer envelope of the building, cladded with flamed basalt stone on the upper floors, minimize energy losses by transmission. Low temperature heating, based on the aesthetically integrated Concrete Core Activation (both used for heating and cooling), has an extremely low environmental impact.

The holiday care residence is daily run by “Mariasteen vzw”, a leading sheltered workshop in Flanders. In ‘Middelpunt’, people with a labor restriction do the reception, do the maintenance, the kitchen… They even made the decorating paintings. The restaurant and bar, open for the public, make it a socially nested facility throughout the surroundings with a socially inspired statement; providing a carefree holiday for disabled people, while providing employment for people having trouble finding a fitting job.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY