*패브릭을 상징하는 메쉬 파사드 [ Amir Mann- Ami Shinar Architects and Planners ] Pernick Academic and Administration Building

새로운 캠퍼스 마스터플랜의 첫번째 실현단계로 캠퍼스 중심부에 위치한 오래된 빌딩의 리노베이션이 진행된다. 이러한 마스터플랜의 대원칙은 학생들의 막힘없는 양방향 소통공간을 목표로하며 이를 통해 실현되는 외부공간과 내부공간의 밀접한 관계생성을 목표선상에 위치시킨다. 3층, 기존 2,250sqm 공간에 추가되는 2개층 (2,200sqm)는 패션 디자인학과, 섬유디자인학과, 산업경영학과, 화학과, 컴퓨터 과학및 관리,경영과가 새롭게 조닝된다. 기존 건물에 대한 추가적인 내진설계 뿐만아니라 새롭게 추가되는 2개층을 함께 구조화하는 스틸프레임은 화이트컬러의 알루미늄 수평루버와 교차하며 스틸메쉬와 같은 독특한 파사드를 구현한다. 이는 내부의 쾌적한 거주성 확보를 위한 패시브 디자인요소인 동시에 패션디자인의 본질을 상징하는 패브릭의 은유적 건축어휘로 건축물의 지향점을 표현한다. 여기에 내외부를 관통하는 다양한 컬러의 글래스 박스는 건축물의 외형적 특징을 배가시키는 디자인 요소이자 매개체로 적용된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

This project is the first step in the implementation of our overall master plan for the renewal of the Shenkar Campus, won after an architectural competition in 2008. Our plan calls for the renovation of old buildings step by step, as well as creating new ones, eventually forming the “Shenkar Yard” – a large outdoor space for student activities and social interaction at the heart of this compact urban campus.

Architects: Amir Mann- Ami Shinar Architects and Planners
Location: Ramat Gan,
Architect In Charge: Amir Mann
Design Team: Sivan Ravid-Hecht, Associate Architect in charge, Slavik Chokler, Michal Shalom, Hedya Aharonov.
Client: Shenkar College of Engineering and Design: Prof. Yuli Tamir, President; Dror Kave, CEO.
Area: 4250.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Aviad Bar-nes, Gal Dern

The renovated2,200 sqm Pernick Building with the additional 2,250 sqm in two new floors, house the Fashion department, Textile Design, Industrial Management, Chemistry, Computer Sciences and Department of Administration and Management.

The old building was entirely encased by an exterior structural steel frame supporting the two new floors, while also strengthening the existing structure for earthquake resistance. Aluminum louvers were installed within this frame in varying densities, creating a mesh-like façade, an architectural “fabric” that unite old and new, as well expressing the essence of fashion design. Colored all-glass bay window or “boxes” penetrate this layer outward at random. Here students will display their designs to the public, while creating a dialogue between the future designers and the adjacent urban fabric around.

The studios within the new floors expose their steel construction, as well as all mechanical and electric systems, all colored in white and carefully coordinated. This architectural vocabulary echoes the basics of the industrial nature of the College at large, especially that of Fashion Design Department, based on layers and textures, while associate with the old mill spaces of the industrial era.

The partitions between the studios and the main hallway comprise of two meter high drywall niches with glass above, through which the exposed systems penetrate. Clusters of lockers, colored in random compositions are installed within these partitions, creating a dynamic spatial quality, while the exterior louvers and the colored glass boxes create ever changing reflections of light and shadows, day and night.

Beyond the program and design challenges, the complexity of this project arose from both its tight budget as well as the necessity to construct it in stages only at semester breaks.

from  archdaily


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