*아가칸 뮤지엄, 무슬림 역사 박물관 [ fumihiko maki ] aga khan museum_ muslim heritage in toronto

건축은 내부를 담는 거대한 그릇으로, 내부 프로그램을 비롯한 다양한 공간들은 건축물의 외형적 특징을 생성시키는 주요한 인자로 제공된다. 무슬림 역사 박물관, 아가칸 뮤지엄은 이슬람의 유구한 역사 속에 번영하였던 그들의 문화와 과학을 전시하는 공간으로 일본 건축가, 후미코 마키와 로컬 설계사 모리야먀 & 테시마의 협업을 통해 제안된다. 거대한 신전과 같은 외형은 백색 화강석을 이용한 구부러진, 다각형의 볼륨으로 빛과 반응하며 입체적인 건축형태를 생성한다. 다양한 전시품은 초상화, 텍스타일, 미니어처, 고서, 세라믹, 타일, 의료진료서와 고전악기 등으로 배치되며 이곳을 찾는 관람객들에게 시공간을 뛰어넘는 역사적인 단편들을 제공한다. 이는 풍부한 조경 및 수공간이 자리한 거대한 공원의 자연환경과 뮤지엄 갤러리, 오디토리움, 교육관 및 레스토랑으로 이루어진 내부 프로그램들의 유기적인 조화 속에 생성된 건축의 당위성을 통해 구현된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

with the opening of its doors on september 18 in toronto, canada, the aga khan museum will showcase an extensive collection of islamic cultural and scientific contributions from throughout centuries of history. the building, designed by japanese architect fumihiko maki in collaboration with local firm moriyama & teshima, is conceived as a temple-like house for the diverse range of artifacts. the angular mass is clad in white granite, and contains spaces which are defined by their luminous conditions. pieces in the collection include portraits, textiles, miniatures, manuscripts, ceramics, tiles, medical texts, books, and musical instruments, dating back to as far as ten centuries old.

photo © gary otte photography

location: toronto, ontario, canada
completion date: 2013
building type: museum, auditorium
structural system: reinforced concrete, steel
number of floors: 1 basement + 2 stories
site area: 70,000 sqm
building area: 4,000 sqm
total floor area: 11,600 sqm
architect of record: moriyama & teshima architects
structural engineer: halcrow yolles
mechanical / electrical engineer: the mitchell partnership / crossey engineering

the aga khan museum site features a large park (designed by landscape architect vladimir djurovic), which contains many pools and provides new green space for the city of toronto. the cultural building is complemented by the nearby ismaili center, a new prayer hall designed by architect charles correa.


the institution’s program consists of museum galleries, an auditorium, education spaces, and a restaurant.  these elements are arranged around a central courtyard, which both serves as an outdoor area for activities while also providing daylight to the interiors.

the aga khan states the intentions of the new cultural institution:

‘one of the lessons we have learned in recent years is that the world of islam and the western world need to work together much more effectively at building mutual understanding – especially as these cultures interact and intermingle more actively. we hope that this museum will contribute to a better understanding of the peoples of islam in all of their religious, ethnic, linguistic, and social diversity.’

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY