*중정형 하우스 [ 3biro ] Single-family house in Curile

하우스가 지향하는 지점은 분명하다. 현대적인 생활패턴이 충분히 반영된 실용적인 거주환경과 주변환경을 투영한 지역성의 지속성을 목표로 디자인된다. 슬로베니아 남부, 전원의 풍부한 자연; 아름다운 자작나무 숲, 광대한 와인재배지는 하우스 디자인을 자리하게 하는 단초로 주거 중심에 위치한 공용중정을 기점으로 서로 다른 4개 타입의 주거를 결합시킨다. 이것은 현대적인 공간의 전통적인 조합방식으로, 플렉서블한 내부환경 제공을 위한 장스팬 스트럭쳐로 완성된다. 외부와 내부 중정을 연속시키는 거대한 보이드, 그리고 이를 생성하는 드라마틱한 팀버 스트럭쳐 브릿지로 가시화 된다. 여기에 4개의 공간은 각각 북측에 위치한 주인침실, 동측에 위치한 게스트룸과 레져룸, 거실이 위치한 서측으로 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Bela Krajina or White Carniola is a small traditional region in southeastern part of Slovenija. It is characterised by low carst hills, beautiful birch forests, vast wineyards and beautiful contryside.

Architects: 3biro
Location: 8330 Čurile,
Area: 245.0 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Miran Kambič

There are 4 dominant architectural typologies. So called Uskoški dvor is an arrangement of single storey building sets organised around the common court. Since the client had a relatively large plot and his wish was that the whole building develops in the groundfloor, this typology seemed as a perfect starting point.

The idea to combine traditional with contemporary was also present when searching solutions for overcoming larger spans. The largest span is bridged with a beautiful timber construction, echoing the surounding traditonal constructional principles and marking the entrance area.

The result is a house that combines traditional elements with contemporary building knowledge and lifestyle. Behind the covered entrance and parking area for three cars is an open court. Surrounded with a sleeping area to the north, guest and leisure rooms to the east and an open living area to the west. Further to the west is a long orchard with old authentic trees.

The timber frame structure of the object lies on a simple concrete plinth. And the material on the facades logically coincides with the material of the structure. Therefore the facade in the lower part is plaster, whereas the wall above it is clad with wood.

from  archdaily


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