*이스탄불 시샨 파크 [ SANALarc ] Sishane Park

빠르게 변화하는 도시생활에 대처하기 위한 도시공용공간에 대한 타이폴로지 제안. 여기 이스탄불 중심부에 위치한 시샨파크는 이러한 대안으로 기반시설 확충과 공용 문화공간 확충을 모색한다. Beyoglu 남서측과 Tarlabasi Road 사이에 위치한 입지적 특징은 교통중심지로써 공원을 주변 도로와 연계 시킨다. -부족한 주차시설은 지하공간에, 지역주민들을 위한 공용공간은 지면에 디자인한다.- 이스탄불의 화려한 지난 역사와 도시문화의 미래를 한눈에 조망 할 수 있도록 360도 열린 오픈 공간과 지역주민 및 여행객들의 편안한 휴식을 위한 쉼터가 유기적인 조합으로 구성된다. -도심 속 자연환경을 목표로 나무그늘, 소규모 모임 공간, 놀이공간, 벤치 및 데크가 제공된다.- 또한 지면으로 선큰, 지하공간과의 연계성 확보와 안락한 공간감을 형성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Sishane Park is a bold shift regarding the public spaces in the center of Istanbul. Located between the southwestern edge of Beyoglu and Tarlabasi Road, the site used to be a park with a fire station that was connected to the water front before the road with a heavy traffic was built in the 70s. With reference to that, the geometry of Sishane Park is carefully crafted to give a 360 view of Istanbul’s past and future urban cultures. The design intention is to re-engage residents and visitors into the natural qualities of that unique urban environment as an alternative public space where people could enjoy together in the middle of a dense city. The park is in a dialogue with the sweeping views and flora of the Halic (Golden Horn); meanwhile it creates a large open public space for cultural programing as well as contrasting intimate spaces for resting, enjoying the shade of trees, playing and spending time as a group. Its geometry and terracing surpasses the negative perception of the underground parking. Besides, Sishane Park ascribes how the site has always been in-between and on the edge of the city and therefore needs a clearly identified place in Istanbul’s shared future.

Project Name: Sishane Park
Principal Design Architects: SANALarc (Murat Şanal, Alexis Şanal)

The park penetrates into the streets of the city with an alternative approach and unconventional elements considering the other parks in Istanbul. It is defined by three main features: the silhouette walk, the decks and the outdoor room. These elements are framed by a rich landscape of various species unique to the Halic in order to enhance the feeling of delight and comfort. It is aimed to have deep site lines, be attractive for quality social life and make people touch natural materials including wood rails to lean on and orient one-self within a complex city. There are unique places and experiences waiting for people of all ages to discover in Sishane Park.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY