*바다공원 [ Substance ] Sea Park

새롭게 조성된 바다공원은 인접한 마을 및 지역주민들의 문화활동; 레크레이션 공간 확보와 이 지역 관광을 위한 교두보로 제안된다. 그리고 이를 위해 다양한 엔터테이먼트 이벤트 공간이 마련된다. 여기에 아름다운 풍경이 펼쳐지는 바다와 로매틱한 석양을 제공하는 해변이 함께 한다. 바다공원은 이러한 해변가를 연결하는 동선 및 산책로를 구성, 다양한 문화공간;두개의 발리볼 코트, 두개의 레벨로 이루어진 테라스, 아웃도어 휘트니스 공간과 비치샤워 그리고 어린이들을 위한 놀이터와 이를 즐길 수 있는 스트리트퍼니쳐로 구성된다. -나무로 제작된 벤치, 라운지, 자전거보관소, 쓰레기통이 설치된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Saulkrasti were looking for their niche among the seaside towns and decided to focus on tourism, recreation and various annually organized entertainment events. A big plus for such events are spacious venues directly near the sea where in addition to sports and cultural activities you can enjoy romantic mood, the sea and sunset landscape. As a result the idea to improve the central part of the beach territory and create the Sea park was born. The project area consists of primary and secondary dune ramparts and has barely flat territory between the dunes.

The key element of the design is the wooden footbridge and path structure which covers the entire territory. Wooden deck planks are reinforced verticaly with slits corresponding to the thickness of the boards in order to avoid the formation of desert stripes under the footbridges. In this way, a wooden footbridge deck becomes a kind of matrix which can integrate all of the park’s small architectural forms – benches, loungers, bike – racks and waste bins, which are also made entirely of wood.

Location: Saulkrasti, Latvia
Year : 2013 – 2014
Client: Saulkrasti County Council
Design: Substance SIA architect Arnis Dimins
Builder: Fiberglass SIA
Size: 10020 m2
Status: Realized
Photos: Edvins Gurspons

The sea tends to be variable – from a completely peaceful and quiet to a loud and billowy with unquestionable power of disasters. Therefore exit points of the wooden footbridges on sandy beach were created as wedges against the sea waves similar to the historic fortifications, designed with sharp, outward facing corners. The triangle form was chosen as key element of the new zoning as the best geometric shape to stay against the external influence. Only wooden paving is used in the park. In addition to a pedestrian footbridges there are paved squares made of round wood pavement. Metal elements are used only for lightning and fitness equipment. The sea park includes two beach volleyball courts with small, two-level terraces / podiums, outdoor fitness area, beach showers, gymnastic tools and children’s playgrounds.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY