*공간과 기능의 통합, Movet의 오픈-플랜 사무실[ Studio Alexander Fehre ] Movet Office Loft Interior Design


Movet은 사실, 차고 안에 만들어진 회사이다. 현재 Movet는 컨베이어 벨트 기술 분야에서 뛰어난 능력을 발휘하고 있는 브랜드이다. 회사의 임시 본사 건물이 완전히 만들어지지 않았기 때문에, 스튜디오 알렉산더 페흐레(Studio Alexander Fehre)는 인접해 있던 창고에 새로우면서도 더욱 대표성을 둔 사무실 공간을 디자인하라는 미션을 받게 되었다. 스튜디오 알렉산더 페흐레가 택한 해결책은 서로 다른 사무실 공간에 대한 조합을 현명하게 이룸으로써, 이를 통해 넓다는 느낌을 유지하면서도 제한된 공간 속에서 다양한 영역의 요구사항들을 수용하는 것이었다.

그 결과, 회의실과 사무실 주방 및 전시장을 한 곳에 모아 공간과 기능의 거점을 형성하는 'Movet 워크샵"이 탄생하였다. 바람이 잘 통하는 금속 메쉬 외관 뒤로 사무실의 가장 중심부인 이 공간에서 고객과 방문객들이 접대를 받기에, 자연스럽게 일상적인 업무와 즉각적으로 통합될 수 있다. 새로운 오픈플랜 형태의 사무실 구조는 참여와 투명성, 그리고 뚜렷한 팀 정신 - 그곳에서 일하는 사람들에게는 특히나 - 을 전달한다. 

오픈-플랜의 특징은 입구에서부터 시작된다. 반투명 유리만이 개방 수문 및 현관 열할을 하면서 동시에 나머지 공간과 입구를 구분할 뿐이다. 이 유리문 뒤로 바로 두개의 거대한 암체어가 놓인 라운지가 있고, 그곳으로부터 분명히 구조화된 오픈-플랜 공간은 하나의 전체로 인식될 수 있다. 두 행으로 나열된 업무 공간은 창가와 직각으로 위치하고 있고, 유리 분할 벽 뒤 관리자의 공간은 매우 후면에 위치해 있다. 총 8명의 직원들이 두개의 그룹 테이블에서 근무할 수 있으며 이 두개의 테이블은 특별히 디자인 된 캐비넷에 의해 둘러싸여 져 있게 되는데, 이 저장공간은 직원 개개인이 충분히 사용할 만큼 여유가 있다. 이렇게 통합 기능을 갖춘 구조는 Movet이 요청한 바대로 설계되었다. 

reviewed by ZH,오사

Movet is a company that literally originated in a garage. Today, the Movet brand is eponymous with outst(anding competence in the field of conveyor belt technology. Because the capacity of the company’s rather makeshift headquarters had finally been reached, Studio Alexander Fehre was commissioned to design a new and more representative office space with an adjoining warehouse. The solution is a clever combination of different areas, so as to accommodate the diverse range of requirements in a limited space while retaining a spacious feel.


Architects: Studio Alexander Fehre
Location: Stuttgarter Straße 11, 73614 ,
Architect In Charge: Alexander Fehre
Area: 400.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Zooey Braun

Client: Hadi GmbH, Hans Schüßler
Size: 200 qm + 200 qm Lager (Storage)

The result is the ‘Movet Workshop’, which forms the epicentre of the space and functions as conference room, office kitchen and showroom in one. Contained behind an airy metal mesh façade, customers and visitors are welcomed here in the very heart of the office and thus immediately integrated into daily business. The new open-plan office structure communicates engagement, transparency and a marked team spirit – especially to the people working there.

The open-plan character begins in the entrance area. Only a translucent glass, free-standing divider separates the entrance from the remaining space, thus functioning as an open floodgate and vestibule. Immediately behind it is an inviting lounge area with two large armchairs, from which the clearly structured, open-plan space can be perceived as a whole. Two rows of workstations are positioned at right angles to the window façade. Located at the very rear is the executive office behind a glass dividing wall. A total of eight people can work at two linoleum-covered group tables. The two tables are circumscribed by means of specially designed cabinets, which provide storage space for each employee. A small rim running along the top of the units gives each employee a dedicated filing tray for jobs in progress. This integrated feature comes in response to a special request on the part of the client. Both the tables themselves and the storage cabinets are made from laminated multiplex boards with an oak veneer.

At first glance, the furniture design is innovative yet clear. The units are positioned on the carpet surface below like individual components and their unusual triangular shape implies inherent movement. The function behind the design becomes apparent at second glance. The storage cabinets are manufactured from a single element, which is rotated in different ways to form a complete cabinet. The rear wall of each unit is also its foot and the side rim for the storage trays. This repetition, paired with an easy to handle surface material, makes the units cost-efficient, while resonating with the theme of industrial production. The desks continue this design with triangular sides. Their hard-wearing yet pleasant linoleum surface has inherent anti-static properties, which prevent a build-up of dust. All wooden surfaces are treated with two-component oil, and will gain in character over the years thanks to the composition of materials and the deliberate lack of additional visible edges. Only water-based paint was used in addition to the oiled wood and linoleum surfaces in order to ensure a healthy work environment. The carpeting is made from carpet tiles, which can be returned to the manufacturer to be completely recycled after use.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY