*도곡 오피스 리모델링 [ DIA Architecture ] Dogok Office Remodeling

도시의 옷을 새롭게 갈아 입다. 두개의 메인도로가 만나는 교차로, 삼각형태로 이루어진 대지위에 빌딩이 위치한다. 기존 빌딩은 3개의 실린더 형태가 조합된 부채꼴 형태로 적색벽돌 타일 마감과 가로로 긴 개구부로 구성된다.

디자인 전략의 기본원칙은 기존 빌딩과 새로 추가된 요소의 조화로운 합성 그리고 이를 통한 복원을 바탕으로 한다. 그런 의미에서 반투명한 스킨은 디자인의 시작점으로 제안되며, 건축과 도시의 경계를 새롭게 정의하는 매개체로 사용된다. 메탈 스킨(메탈 패브릭)이 생성하는 다양한 패턴과 오프닝의 방향 및 사이즈는 관찰자의 시점에 따라, 도시와 관계맺는 방향에 따라 빌딩을 다채로운 얼굴로 생성한다. 이는 빌딩 전체를 감싼 스틸 캔틸레버 프레임의 구성요소; 글래스와 메탈로 표현되며 빌딩의 파사드; 얼굴에 풍부한 인상, 표정을 이식한다.

메인도로에 접한 입지적인 특징을 고려 저층부는 투명한 글래스로 외부와의 관계성을 밀착, 카페와 같은 리테일을 유치할 예정이며 상부, 메인바디는 렌탈 오피스로 운영될 예정이다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The site is composed of a triangular shape at the junction of two main streets. The existing fan-shaped building was originally made of three cylindrical masses finished by red brick tiles, with excessively long horizontal openings.

The basic design strategy was to create a conversation between the existing building and the new addition. In that sense, a translucent skin was considered from the outset of the design. Due to the three-dimensional holes made by its patterning, the expanded metal sheet conveys different degrees of penetration when viewed from a variety of angles and directions. The existing round mass could rather be regarded as potential and a variety of looks could be created by different distances of two skins.

Location: 425 Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, , South Korea
Architect In Charge: Chung Hyuna
Design Team: Oh Seunghyun
Area: 941.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Kyungsub Shin, Courtesy of DIA Architecture
Structural Engineer: THE STRUCTURE
Electrical Engineer: SUNGJI E&C
Construction: Dasan Construction Engineering

By overlapping a steel cantilever frame to the existing building, a light skin was composed of glass and metal. The finely articulated skin merfes with and separates from the mass, blurring the distinction of floors on the façade The translucent skin controls the amount of light entering the indoor space, thile continuing to open up the view to the outside. The skin bevomes ever more transparent when illuminated within after nightfall, while becoming more pronounded when exposed to sunlight during the day.

Considering its location facing the main streets, the first floor was planned to be transparent so that it may function as a café, and the main body covered with second skin is a part that will be rented out as an office. A one-story vertical louver was placed on the jutting out uppermost rooftop space, so as to function as an even more comfortable resting space.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY