*메모리얼 링 [ Philippe Prost ] The ring of remembrance

그들을 기리며. 1차 세계대전, 노르파드칼레에서 희생된 600,000명 가량의 군인들을 위한 위령탑은 수직이 아닌 수평으로 대지와 밀착된다. 이는 건축가가 지향하는 통합과 영속성(불변성)을 적나라하게 구현하는 디자인 어휘로 국립묘지의 한귀퉁이, 거대한 링형태로 자리한다. 그들; 희생된 군인들의 이름은 거대한 링; 타원형 그리고 이를 따라 함께 도는 산책동선을 따라 열주된 판넬에 각인된다. 건축가가 의도했는지 모르지만, 각 비문들은 태양과 마주한 일주방향으로 틀어져서 정렬, 그들의 빛나는 이름을 관람객들에게 각인시키는 효과를 불러 온다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

At the national cemetery built in the 20th century there is now an international memorial to celebrate the centenary of the First World War.

In order to unite yesterday’s enemies, Philippe Prost chose the ring as a figure to bring together the names of the 600,000 soldiers who died on the battlefields in the Nord-Pas de Calais, thinking of the circle formed by people holding hands. The ring is synonymous with unity and eternity: unity because the names form a sort of human chain, and eternity because the letters are joined without an end, in alphabetical order without any distinction of nationality, rank or religion.

Located on the site, the ring takes the form of an ellipse with one side pointed towards the entrance to the cemetery, and the other side towards the Artois plain.

Program: memorial
Architects: Philippe Prost
Supported by: Ministère délégué aux Anciens Combattants, Conseil Général du Nord, Conseil régional Nord-Pas de Calais and Lens-Liévin Conglomeration
Completion: 2014

The choice of a horizontal position for the Memorial seemed obvious: first of all, in response to the verticality of the lantern tower, and then because, beyond that, the horizontal is a sign of balance, a guarantee of durability.

Anchored in the ground across two-thirds of its perimeter, the ring then detaches where the downward slope of the land increases. Its cantilevered ring is there to remind us that peace always remains fragile. By rushing forward to assault the horizon, the Memorial creates a weightless space, between heaven and earth.

Outside, a ribbon of dark concrete, the colour of war, balanced on the hill overlooking the Artois plains, a horizontal line forming a 328 m perimeter dominated by the lantern tower, which is over 50 m high. Inside, 500 sheets of gold metal reflecting light on which are engraved, in alphabetical order,
regardless of nationality, rank or religion, the names of 579,606 soldiers, now united forever in a common humanity.

from  domusweb


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