*파사드 디자인 [ group8asia ] Coalimex

베트남 하노이 올드 쿼터에 위치한 빌딩의 장소는 상업중심지역과 역사적인 장소가 만나는 중첨된 공간. 이러한 특성은 건축주 및 건축가 지향하는 친환경적인 건축환경과 맞물려 특유한 파사드 디자인을 완성한다. 자연환기, 소음대책, 직사광선 유입방지 그리고 이러한 조건들을 만족시키는 아이콘 빌딩의 완성을 목표로 진행된다. 무엇보다 이번 프로젝트에서 주목할만한 파사드는 글래스를 이용한 더블스킨 구조로 이루어 진다. 하노이 거리에서 만날 수 있는 나무와 건축주의 상징적인 심볼이 패턴화된 외부 글래스 파사드는 앞서 말한 3가지 원칙을 준수하는 동시에 내부 오피스 환경의 쾌적성을 유지시켜주는 건축어휘로 사용, 빌딩의 캐릭터를 강화 시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Coalimex building is an office building with an area of about 10’000m2 divided by 10 shop and office storeys. Located at 33 Trang Thi Street, in the centre of Hanoi’s Old Quarter, this building stands amidst many commercial centres and historical places. The particular congested context coupled with the will to produce an eco-friendly building brings multiple concerns: noise management, direct view optimisation, natural ventilation principles and how to be an iconic building respectful of its neighbourhood.

Architects: group8asia
Location: , Hoàn Kiếm District, , Vietnam
Area: 10000.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Régis Golay

In order to produce a sustainable way to organize the offices, each floor must be flexible and be divided into different office spaces of different sizes. In this way, the narrow building manages to offer multiple differing areas and atmospheres. The facade is adapted to the different contexts of the plot. The main façade, which is directly in contact with the street, gives its strong identity to the Coalimex building and deals with its constraints. It is made of double-layered glass. On the second layer, a pattern that interprets the meeting of the trees of the Hanoi streets and the coal (symbol of the client) is printed on the glass.

The density of the pattern allows for sunlight to be guided throughout the building and offers more privacy to the office space. This layer is a protection from the noise of the street; it creates efficient natural ventilation and protects the building from the rain. The back facade, which has to deal with a completely different context, is made of successions of windows and loggias which create a grid able to manage the extreme proximity of the next door building. The loggias act as interior gardens; they offer a real “release” for the user, bringing the outside inside and providing natural ventilation to the office space.

from  archdaily


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