*인더스트리얼 인테리어, 레드닷 호텔 [ Steven Wu+Wang Pe-Jen ] RedDot Hotel

레드닷 호텔의 지향점은 간단하다. 대지의 특성; 오래된 도시구역이 갖고 있는 시간의 흔적들을 현재의 생활 공간 속에 잘 버무려 사람들이 즐길 수 있는 숙박공간 창출을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 디자인팀은 도시구역 내 좋은 재료로 지어진 엘레강스한 건물을 찾아 새로운 도전을 적용한다. (이렇게 선택된) 갤럭시 호텔의 리노베이션은 기존 호텔이 가지고 있던 평범한 재료와 요소를 활용, 최소한의 리터치를 통한(현대 생활 및 기능에 맞도록) 컴템퍼러리 거주공간을 완성한다. 무엇보다 시간의 흔적이 새겨진 재료(때묻은 적벽돌, 우드플로링 등의 사용은 지역적 컨텐츠가 반영될 결과물로 지역환경과도 연속성을 띈다.)와 이와 같은 시간을 보낸 빈티지 요소 및 가구들의 매치는 이곳만의 캐릭터를 배가 시키는 중요한 디자인 적용된다. 여기서 디자인은 단순히 올드 패션을 투영하는 것에 그치지 않고 현대생활공간에 생동감을 불어 넣는 다양한 요소들을 삽입한다. 이는 호텔이 지향하는 목적성; 안락함과 즐거움 그리고 소셜활동을 보장, 호텔의 캐릭터를 완성시킨다.

투숙객들에게 호텔을 인사하는 저층부 로비에 설치된 나선형태의 미끄럼틀은 이러한 흥미로운 환경을 보여준다. 102개의 스테인레스 스틸 시트를 이용, 2층에서 1층으로 곧바로 내려올 수 있도록 재미와 놀이를 제공하는 동시에 반사되는 네온사인의 다이나믹한 시퀀스로 공간을 한층 풍부하게 한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Reddot Hotel is transformation of a thirty-five year old hotel formerly the Galaxy Hotel. 2014, the building was reconstructed and got rebirth. Therefore, the design team began by doing a thoughtful research of the district where the hotel is located. They discovered the old and aging district is packed with elegant buildings with fine materials. So, they decided the effort to bring new life to the hotel should be combined with a mission to give the building a significant role to tell the story of the district.

Location: Taichung City,
Interior Design Team: Steven Wu; Michael Hsu; Lin Yu-hsuan
Site Area: 600 sqm
Area: 360.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Andrew Chang / Double Hong

The ordinary building materials for hotel design are abandoned. The nature of materials from tough times is rediscovered within the space-time memory. For example, the building adopted a very regional red brick and pebble surface as its only cladding materials so that the faced could have a consistent dialogue with the district’s context as well as bring back good old memories of the district’s glory days.

We did not copy old-fashioned decorations but apply the new design to reappear the vitality of old material. The design goes throughout the arrangement of exterior and interior space.

Welcoming signs in LED revive a nostalgic melody as if the clock was set back 40 years. At first sign in lobby, Fireproof Brick were used to the wall, Reduction Firing Brick to the ground, and figured glasses on arched windows. We put various construction materials with people’s common memories together to reproduce those beautiful days in the past.

As a hotel, Reddot Hotel wants to make each passenger feel pleasure and comfortable.

Interesting elements include a stainless tube slide spiraling down from the second to the first floor that immediately catch one’s eye. The spiral slide is made by 102 stainless steel sheet, the metal slide is 27 meters in length. Each time passengers sit on the slide and go down, they laugh out loud and enjoy in it. We image that when stainless steel sheets of slide reflect colorful neon light, it just becomes a time tunnel which brings our memories back. So, Steven Wu, the designer of slide, truly believes the slide is not simply for fun but rather it is a symbolic object reversing time and space.

Taking familiar materials but using them in innovative ways brings a sense of the fresh to the hotel. On the basement floor, there is a dining hall paved with classic terrazzo floor. The furnishings used of made up of old elements preserved from old hotel. Components taken from visible in many furnishing elements.

In guest room, we consider about that if it is comfortable and cozy as in home to every guest. Wooden floor, serpentine and Hakka fabric was generally applied in interior design. These ingredients makes the guestroom more peaceful and reliable just like home. Besides, the problem of a very low net floor to ceiling height from the second to eighth floor needed a proper solution. Using color and furnishing layouts was a useful way to levitate the pressure of tight space. Reddot Hotel was located in the central district, and old district in Taichung. We smartly combined different materials to connect time and space. This is the core of Reddot Hotel’s interior design idea.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY