*숲속의 집 [ Jochen Specht ] Haus Hohlen, Dornbirn, Austria

과거의 기억은 현재의 생활공간을 위한 단초로 제공되며 풍부한 자연환경과 밀착되는 건축으로 확장된다.

오스트리아 도른비른, 숲속의 나즈막한 언덕위에 4명의 거주자를 위한 하우스가 재탄생한다. 이웃한 기존 하우스들과는 차별화되는 건축은 델타강, 보덴호의 전망 및 풍부한 자연환경 유입을 위한 거주환경을 확보한다. 이를 위해 경량팀버 스틱 구조를 이용, 모던 팀버 스트럭쳐의 장점을 구현한다. -높은 패브릭케이션 레벨, 신속한 시공, 지속성, 그리고 지역기후에 대응하는 건축환경 구현- 여기에 목재 알루미늄 프레임으로 마감된 외장재는 내마모성 확보를 위한 코팅과 (선박에서 사용하는) 숲과 대조적인 균형미를 이루는 검은색으로 채색, 하우스를 마무리 한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Haus Hohlen was originally built in 1961.

The building is situated on a hill above Dornbirn, Austria. The site, which is protected on the uphill side by a small forest, provides an astonishing view over the Rhine delta and Lake Constance.

Haus Hohlen, Dornbirn, Austria
Program: single-family house
Architects: Jochen Specht
Completion: 2014

In 2012 the house, with an area of 85 sqm, became too small for its four inhabitants and had to be expanded fundamentally. In the beginning, Haus Hohlen was gutted due to the fact that the existing stonework was the only building structure worth preserving. Obsolete fixtures and ineffectual refurbishments were dismantled.

Given the need to increase the amount of space and renew the facade, the idea came up to construct a new building envelope at a certain distance around the old house. The chosen lightweight timber stick-construction offers all the advantages of modern timber structures: high prefabrication level, quick construction, sustainability and a good indoor climate. The wooden frame construction is intended as a spatial contrast to the existing solid structure. The existing roof was extended 4 meters on the verges sides and 1.5 meters on the eaves sides.

Due to the position of Haus Hohlen in the middle of a natural setting, a large amount of glass was used. Well-proportioned windows offer great views to the valley and the forest. Together with randomly arrayed closed wall elements, the windows generate a sophisticated pattern façade which offers both open and more shielded spaces indoors.

Inside, it was important to keep the old house’s structure recognizable within the new: Old windows became passageways, an old kitchen window became a pass-through; another window became a niche for a basin. The new building skin with up-to-date, highly effective insulation and triple glazing guarantees very low energy consumption. The insulation is made of organic materials such as wood fibre or foam glass. A new heat pump with geothermal probes replaces the existing oil heating. All rooms are equipped with floor heating, and therefore a new screed was necessary for the whole building. The screed’s surface was merely sanded, no additional flooring was used. Now a new homogenous floor surface visually connects the old and new parts of the building.

The new facade is a wood-aluminium frame system. All unglazed parts are filled with wooden panels that are covered with a water vapour permeable coating often used in boat building. The dark colour harmonises with the forest in the background.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY