*마켓홀 리노베이션 프로젝트 [ Ameller, Dubois & Associés ] Marly-le-Roi market hall

파리시 외곽, Marly-le-Roi 커뮤니티 단지에 위치한 마켓 리노베이션 프로젝트는 외부로는 부족한 주차대수 확보와 인접한 랜드스케이프 확장, 내부로는 플렉서블한 공간구현 및 풍부한 자연채광 확보를 위해 진행된다. 이를 통해 건축물은 매력적인 환경구축과 부족한 건축물의 기능을 충족하게 된다.

마켓홀의 글래스 커튼월과 스크린은 각각 우드와 메탈로 이루어진 루버와 짝을 이루며 디자인된다. 우드루버가 세로방향으로 동측과 서측에 설치되는 동안 메탈루버는 수평방향으로 남측에 설치된다. 그리고 북측입면에는 나무를 형상화한 패턴이 커튼월에 디자인된다.

지붕 또한 여러각도로 접혀진, 다각형태의 그린루프로 재구성된다. 여기에 중앙홀 내부로 자연채광을 유도하는 천창이 설치, 주변 자연환경을 연속시킨다.

이러한 공간적 특징의 연장선상에서 내부 천장은 높낮이가 상이한 곡선과 다각형으로 접혀진 디자인으로 유니크한 형상을 구현한다. 여기에 홀 내부의 무주공간을 따라 연속적으로 천장은 흐르며 (유연한 레이아웃 확보와 동시에) 다이나믹한 공간감을 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

Wooden louvres and green rooftops make up the exterior of this market hall outside Paris by Ameller, Dubois & Associés, while inside is a dramatic ceiling that combines angles and curves.

Located in Marly-le-Roi, a community in the western suburbs of Paris, the project involved renovating the existing covered market – adapting the layout and bringing in more light – as well as increasing car parking provision and improving the surrounding landscaping.

Photography is by the architects apart from where otherwise indicated.

Architect: Ameller, Dubois & Associés
Team: Philippe Ameller, Jacques Dubois, Camille Henry, Catherine Laroche and Hélène Martin.

"The market hall is situated in an exceptionally central location in Marly-le-Roi, surrounded by houses and overlooked by the railway," said French studio Ameller, Dubois & Associés in a statement.
"Its design comprised a dual challenge: to create an attractive building, likely to bring about a lively neighbourhood and fit into a very landscaped environment, despite the presence of plenty of parking."
The walls of the market hall are glazed and are screened by either wooden and metal louvres, dependent on the orientation.
Wooden louvres are arranged vertically along the east and west sides, while metal louvres run horizontally along the south facade. The north elevation is left exposed, but the glazing has been decorated with tree motifs.
The architects also restructured the roof of the building to create a series of angled fins, all covered in greenery. Where these lift up, clerestory windows have been added to bring extra light down into the centre of the hall.
This new structure creates an unusual ceiling, formed of both undulating curves and sharp angles. Covered in timber, it offers soft acoustics for the space.
There are no columns inside the hall, allowing for a flexible layout that mostly follows the rises and falls of the ceiling. Permanent stalls are arranged in a regular grid, with generous walkways in between.
A new basement floor extends beyond the limits of the building to create car parking, and can be accessed using staircases and elevators located both inside and outside.
To bring daylight into this space, there is also a sunken patio filled with tall trees, flowers and mineral stones.
An extra timber-clad building in the south-east corner of the site accommodates staff offices and toilets, while a spare patch of land on the western side of the site is earmarked for housing, also designed by Ameller, Dubois & Associés.
"Achieving these twelve housing units is not an integral component of the project. It is nevertheless an important issue, given its presence in the western boundary of the site," added the studio.
Market Hall in Marly-le-Roi France - Ameller Dubois & Associés Photograph by François Travaux

from  dezeen


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