*벽돌 하우스 [ Tropical Space ] Termitary House

베트남 해변가에 자리한 도시, 다낭에 자리한 Termitary하우스 프로젝트는 지역적 특징(유구한 건축적 유산을 간직한)과 기후를 반영한(아열대 기후) 쾌적한 거주공간 제공을 목표로한다. 여기에 지역적 커뮤니티 구축을 위한 노드포인트(node point) 기능이 삽입된다.

-작렬하는 태양과 집중호우 또한 매년마다 태풍의 영향을 받는 아열대 기후와 세계적으로도 유명한 캄파왕국의 탑 유적이 존재하는 지역적 특징.-

지 역사회를 위한 커뮤니티 장소 제공; 쿠킹 카운터, 다이닝 테이블, 엔터테이닝 코너가 준비된다. 그리고 이곳 '로비'는 하우스의 다양한 기능을 제공하는 공용공간으로 ; 휴식공간, 생활공간 그리고 침실이 위치한다. 메자닛층에는 별도의 침실과 기도실 그리고 작은 도서관이 위치하는 동안 다락은 덩쿨식물 커튼으로 이루어진 열린 휴게공간으로 제공된다. -메자닛층에 위치한 기도실 및 침실을 제외하고 모든 공간은 인상적인 예술공간으로 오픈스페이스 속에 자리한다.-

하우스의 대부분은 지역전통 재료(역사적 유적과 함께하는)인 소성벽돌로 구축된다. 바닥은 다크계열의 테라조가 시공, 천장은 콘크리트면이 노출된 공간으로 제공된다. 여기에 배치된 모든 가구들은 오래된 집에서 수거한 지붕재를 재활용함으로써 하우스만의 고유한 캐릭터를 구축하는 동시에 경제적인 구축을 완성한다. 소성벽돌의 사용은 쾌적한 내부환경 구축을 위한 최적의 재료로 제안된다. 여름철 내부 습도를 조절하는 기능 및 더블스킨(외부는 벽돌로 구성되는 동안 내부는 알루미늄 프레임으로 디자인된 글래스 윈도우가 배치한다.)의 적용은 박공지붕이 생성하는 버퍼스페이스와 같이 내부환경을 유지시킨다. 여기에 소성벽돌의 특별한 디자인 (작은 개구부를 생성하는 벽돌쌓기)은 자연환기와 자연채광을 유지시키 주는 장치이자 외부의 푸른 하늘(주간시)과 달빛을(야간시) 감상 할 수 있는 통로로 제안된다. -야간에는 도시를 밝히는 거대한 랜턴으로 변신한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Termitary House was built in Da Nang, a central coastal city of Viet Nam. The climate in this area is rather extreme in the way it varies significantly between the sunny season and the rainy one. It is also influenced by a lot of tropical storms every year. Besides, Da Nang is well-known for the remains of Champa baked-brick Towers (during the Ancient Champa Kingdom), constructed during the time from the 4th century to the late 15th century. Of all, “Mỹ Sơn” Holy land is the most well-known.

Inspired by the termites’ special ability to build their nests in the local area, the architect has designed the house with a large sharing space in the center where a cooking counter, a dining table, and an entertaining corner are found. This “lobby” then leads to different functional areas in the house such as the rest room, the living room, and the bedrooms. All are connected artistically and comfortably. The mezzanine is where another bedroom, an altar room, and a small library are found.

The attic is an open relaxing area with curtains of vines. Designed for three people, the house does not need a lot of partitions except the ones for the altar room and the bedrooms. Meanwhile, in the sharing areas in the house, the family members can still see and chat to each other through the walls with holes arranged as randomly but scientifically as in an actual termitary.

Architects: Tropical Space
Location: , Da Nang, Vietnam
Architects In Charge: Nguyen Hai Long, Phan Quang Vinh, Tran Thi Ngu Ngon, Trinh Thanh Tu
Area: 80.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki

The house is mainly built with baked bricks which are also a traditional material in the local area. They are the very material to have been used for the construction of the mysterious ancient Champa towers. The ceilings are casted with original concrete, and the floors are covered with terrazzo in dark colors. All furniture is made with the timber from the roof of the old house, which helps make the total actual cost of the construction a significant saving (about under 22,000 usd)

That the walls are entirely built with baked bricks makes the house cool in the summer; for this kind of bricks can function as a certain factor to keep the humidity for the entire house. The special constructing technique of “double skins” with two layers of one brick wall covering outside and one glass-aluminum frame inside creates a space within a wall, which functions as a buffer layer at both gables.

Besides, the arrangement of the toilets and the storage rooms along the walls not only helps block the strong winds during the stormy season but also leads them towards and through the gaps straight to the roof. This is due to the remarkable difference in pressure. On the roof, architects use a system of girders and upside down floors to create a small garden for plants – an ideal place for the whole family to relax and enjoy the breeze during the hot and muggy summer days.

The special design of the baked-brick walls with a lot of holes, together with the large inter-floor space, allows breeze and light to get to all the corners of the house, even the hardest-to-access areas. The house owners are also able to enjoy the blue sky during the daytime or the moonlight night-time from the living room, the dining table or the kitchen.

At different times during the day, the variety of the light intensity getting through the inter-floor holes makes the brick wall colors change from the light red in the morning, red at noon, dark red in the afternoon and more purple in the late afternoon and early evening. In the evening and at night, the house looks like a giant lantern with lights here and there from the holes. The surrounding brick walls are decorated with some rough bricks to make shadows. This improve the beauty and charm of every single samel-brick regarding its own shape and color.

Both the yard and the garden are covered with coarse gravels with some of the plants (which are rearranged) from the old house in order to retain some familiar features for the owners. Taking the best advantage of ventilation, lighting system and natural air conditioning mechanism has made The Termitary House optimize the positive elements of an effective tropical work.
Text by Ly Kha Ngo

from  archdaily


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