*인더스트리얼 인테리어, 웨어하우스 리노베이션 [ andrew franz architect PLLC ] converted caviar warehouse in new york

맨하튼 랜드마크 트리베카 지역에 위치한 캐비어공장(지붕층) 리노베이션 프로젝트는 외부로 열린, 아늑한 거주공간 확보를 목표로 진행된다. 새롭게 추가된 메자닛(중층)은 상부 그린루프 가든과 내부 글래스박스로의 자연스러운 연결을 확보, 선큰 인테리어 코트(옥상정원의 시점에서 볼때 하부로 내려가는 공간 디자인)를 완성한다. 이러한 건축의 제스쳐는 주생활 공간 속으로 외부공간을 삽입하는 동시에 자연채광과 환기를 유도하는 기능적 역활을 수행한다. -야간시 글래스박스는 거대한 랜턴으로 변신한다.- 여기에 기존 산업문화에 대한 투영은 과거 재료에 대한 복원 및 재활용을 통하며 현대적인 디자인 요소(모던 재료의 사용)와의 병합을 통하여 이루어진다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

in manhattan’s landmark tribeca north area, the top floor and roof of an 1884 caviar warehouse are reconceived as a warm and open residence with a fluid connection to the outdoor environment. new york-based andrew franz architect PLLC has realized the scheme with a relocated mezzanine, where a sunken interior court comprising a retractable glass roof connects to a green roof garden above. this gesture of subtracting volume from the interior brings the outdoors into the primary living zones. the roof, peeled back, showers the spaces with natural light. when open, ample air flow enters what was once a poorly ventilated and dark loft. by night, the court acts as an internal lantern illuminating the loft below.

embracing the building’s industrial past, a visual discourse between new and old is devised through insertions of modern materials along with restored or reclaimed materials from the loft. a custom steel stair repurposes timbers from the old roof joists as treads and landings. the multiple level residence is unified by a walnut fascia that serves as a conceptual datum.

to add to its sustainable nature, energy-efficient mechanical systems and appliances are employed. the project reclaims and reuses loft materials while bringing in new, locally sourced products including the appliances, retractable glass roof, architectural metal work and cabinetry. the new roof terrace utilizes reclaimed bluestone pavers and a majority of native plant species that require little water while insulating the environment below.

from  designboom


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