*벤츠 지바겐 4x4² high clearance mercedes-benz G 500 4x4² conquers off-road terrains

G63 AMG 6x6에서 시작된 역사는 325/55R 사이즈의 대형 타이어와 22인치 대형 알로이 휠. 여기에 최고출력 422마력의 동력 성능을 발휘하는 4.0리터 V8 트윈터보 엔진 그리고 다목적 차량 ‘유니목’에 탑재된 포털 액슬까지, 단순히 스펙만으로는 설명 할 수 없는 메르세데스-벤츠의 G500 4x4²가 이번 2015 제네바모터쇼에 소개된다. 작년에 소개된 G63 AMG 6x6와 같은 디자인의 전면 범퍼와 루프 앞 LED 라이트바 그리고 험지로 부터 자체를 보호하는 스테인레스 스틸 바디 프로텍터가 하부에 설치된다.오프로드를 위한 차량은 아직 양산 계획은 없지만 이번 모토쇼를 통해 그 계획을 변경 될 수도 있다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

following the ‘G 63 AMG 6×6′, the mercedes-benz ‘G 500 4×4²’ vehicle enters the extreme G-class model family, offering a large yet highly efficient power delivery. its 4.0 liter V8 biturbo engine that produces 422 horsepower, provides improved off-road capability and still meets the euro 6 emission standard, thanks to its V configuration which creates low exhaust gas. with a set of 22-inch 325/55 R 22-sized wheels and the adjustable damping in its sport mode, the automobile when driven, feels dynamic much like a sports car, rather than a cross-country one. this, as well as its forcefulness and its permanent all-wheel drive, ensures it can conquer sandy, rocky and water terrains without any problems.

the 450mm ground clearing ‘G 500 4×4²’ has a passionate, straight design that is highlighted by its LED light-including trim and its carbon fiber wheel-arch flarings. just like the dynamic chassis that the exterior is housing, the car’s form reflects its power and its off-road capabilities due to its rugged appearance. also, on the inside, the mercedes-benz has a luxurious yet sporty interior that is kitted out with a special designo exclusive package. this ensures a continuous style is integrated within the whole car, and that the model fits with the brand’s G-class family range.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY