*파리, 오스만빌딩을 계승하는 공동주거 [ LAN Architecture ] 40 Housing Units

지금 파리시내의 풍경을 만든 오스만 도시정비사업에 의한 도시환경은 여전히 유효하다. 그리고 향후에도 파리를 다른 도시와 차별화시키는 장소성으로 유지되고 발전될 것이다. 이번 프로젝트 또한 여전히 이러한 도시환경에 구속? 된다. 하지만 외형적인(건축물의 볼륨과 입면은 이미 정해져 있다. 시티스케이프가 제안하는 범주에서 크게 벗어나지 못하고 이를 준수한다.) 접근은 단순히 건축물의 현재의 속성을 이야기하는 것에 그치지 않고 향후 변경에 따른 유연성을 고려한 입면으로 재가공된다. 이는 현재 오스만 빌딩?이 현대적인 도시생활 속에 살아 남는 방법으로 오리지널의 속성을 유지하며 오피스, 스토어, 워크샵, 스쿨로 변경, 활용되는 건축을 통해 발견된다. 그리하여 재구성되는 공동주거는 플렉서블(공간의 유연성)을 바탕으로 명쾌한 구조, 거리로 부터 언제든지 접근이 가능한 1층, 여기에 중층을 포함하는 확장성, 날씨에 대응하는 창문의 개구율, 각 층의 다양한 높이, 마지막으로 정해진 높이제한을 수용하는 건축물로 디자인된다. -도시의 패러다임에 대응할 수 있도록 플렉서블한 건축디자인을 요구한다.-

삼각형태의 대지로 부터 수직상승한 듯한 볼륨은 대지내 건축가능범위를 최대한 활용. 프로젝트의 유연함의 베이스가 된다.여기에 파사드 디자인을 위한 구조패턴은 오피스빌딩과 유사한 1.35m 모듈을 사용하며 동선코어와 함께 구조시스템을 완성한다. 층간 높이 또한 3.2m를 적용, 공동주거2.8m과 오피스빌딩3.5m의 평균높이를 대입한다.동시에 각 세대에 동일한 퀄리티를 제공하는 윈도우 오프닝과 로지아를 배치한다.(로지아를 통해 내부 거실은 외부로 확장되는 동시에 여름철 내외부 단열효과를 확보한다. 3면에 동일하게 적용된 입면디자인은 오스만 빌딩 스타일로 부터 차용된 요소들을 적용함으로써 기존 도시환경을 연속한다. 또한 다음세대를 위한 빌딩의 지속성을 확보하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

Lot 4.2 is part of the new Clichy-Batignolles mixed development area and is located at the edge of boulevard Pereire, at the meeting point of two different periods in the history of Paris’ urban development. The building plays a key role in linking these two architectural worlds.

Architects: LAN Architecture
Location: 4 Rue du Commandant Pilot, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine,
Area: 2900.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Julien Lanoo, Courtesy of LAN Architecture

Commissioned Architects: LAN
Structure: Bollinger-Grohmann
Hqe Consultant: Agence Franck Boutté
Fluids: LBE
Budget Surveyor: JP Tohier & Associés
Budget: Eur 5.9M, before taxes

The project renders homage to Paris and the 19th century architecture of the Haussmann building. It seeks to preserve the “intrinsic intelligence of this form,” which has allowed the buildings constructed during the Haussmann period to survive many changes and grow with the city, providing multiple, often very different uses of the same building.

The Haussmann building was designed originally as a place of residence for the bourgeoisie, but it revealed itself to be an extraordinarily open architecture capable of incorporating other uses besides habitation: offices, stores, workshops, schools, etc.

There are common characteristics in all these architectures that lie at the base of this flexibility: a clear structure, a ground floor that is accessible from the street and which can extend to include the mezzanine, a wealth and variety of door and window openings to allow for the construction of all kinds of plans, variable heights in the floors, adequate thickness, and a high level of compactness.

We consider these values as the great heritage of the Parisian building, and we have sought to translate them into an architecture that forms part of the city’s current logic, but which also offers solutions to current and future challenges.

The design of the façade for Lot 4.2 uses a structural pattern similar to the office buildings (1.35 meters). It alternates one full module with two empty ones, which correspond to the window openings. Together with the core of the circulation, this ensures the building’s structure. The height between floors is 3.2 meters, halfway between the standard height for residential housing (2.8 meters) and that for office buildings (3.5 meters). The commercial ground floor includes part of the 1st floor; its slightly different treatment indicates its urban character.

The ornamentation borrows various elements from the Haussmann style, especially the horizontal stretchers that mark the piano nobile, as well as the proportion of fullness and emptiness.

The volume is a perfect extrusion of the triangular parcel which fully exploits all the plot’s spatial possibilities. Through its flexibility, the project introduces the notion that by emptying an architecture of its program, a building generates potential that will accompany the evolutions in urban development and allow it to respond more readily to changes in use. The rue de Saussure building seeks to anticipate needs and changes by proposing a full reversibility between a residential and an office building.

At the same time, this sense of openness gives each residence a very particular quality. The apartments have a lot of windows and are very well lit and spacious. They are all set up around a loggia, an extension of the interior living space towards the exterior. This type of patio also has a thermal function, introducing a new orientation in the building that helps ventilate the housing during the summer months.

Above and beyond the classic, standard ratio, the mostly glass façades significantly enhance the quality of the building’s uses, which benefit from an abundance of natural light and views.

The size and regularity of the door and window openings, which are identical on the three façades, create a general image of the building without specifically denoting its use. A series of architectural distinctions on the façades compensates for the different levels of thermal comfort required on the northern and southern sides. The variations play out in the size of the openings – French doors which open fully to the south versus half-height windows to the north – in the position of the windows in relation to the façade, which use its thickness to create an interior projected shadow, in the position of the stores, inside and outside, as well as in the materiality of the railing, which is made of glass or stainless steel mesh.

The materials favor a certain sobriety and are limited in number: polished concrete tinted black for the prefabricated panels for the façade, black lacquered aluminum for the concealed opening frames, glass for the windows, both for the half-height windows and the railings, stainless steel mesh, etc.

« My conviction that space amounts to luxury hasn’t changed. It links up with one of my old desires, an inversion of sorts: build dwellings that resemble office plateau, because the best flats are the ones that offer the most free space; and reciprocally, build offices that resemble apartments, so that they offer warmth and a possible scale of identification. In Paris, the transformation of flats into offices and of offices into flats is an opportunity to come to grips with this sort of fertile offsets and ‘resistance’. Whenever you have something that is serving another purpose than the one it was designed for, there’s a chance of getting away from norms and repetitiveness. Which is one of the most promising paths of modernity is mutation.”


Designed by JB FACTORY