*쌍파울로 개인주택 [ Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos ] MG Residence

브라질 쌍파울로 서측 외곽 한적한 전원도시에 자리한 엠지하우스는 자연과 밀착된, 외부로 열린 공간을 지향한다. 이는 전면도로와 연직방향으로 깊숙한 대지의 풍부한 자연환경으로 부터 발현되며 이를 유입하기 위한 건축은 오픈플랜을 바탕으로 시작된다. 하우스는 지하층을 포함, 총 4개층으로 구성, 1층은 후면부 거대한 정원 및 25미터 풀장과 내부로 연속되는 저층부 소셜 스페이스로 거실, 주방, 식당이 배치된다. 지하층에는 10대를 주차할 수 있는 주차장, 서비스 시설 그리고 기계실이 위치한다.

글래스의 풍부한 표현력은 내외부를 밀착시키는 매개체로 외부 방문객의 환영과 아이들방, 거실, 식당등, 내부공간의 시각적 열림을 거주자에게 전달한다. 특히 아트리움 및 3층(전창으로 디자인)은 내부로 자연채광을 유입, 확산시키는 통로 역활로 거주공간의 쾌적성을 유지시켜 준다. 이러한 오픈플랜에는 구조적인 대형 스팬계획이 바탕이되어, 내부 보이드와 높은 층고 그리고 발코니를 통한 원활한 자연환기 유도한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos designed the MG Residence, a home in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
This residence, located in a noble and leafy suburb in western Sao Paulo, is on a flat and deep site, with the main premise of taking the most advantage of the existing green area at the back of the site.

Architecture: Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos
Photography by Nelson Kon

The spaces are distributed across four floors, including the basement, so the extended program could be concentrated in a very compact area. The ground floor contains the living and balcony overlooking the pool, with the comfort of the shade of old trees that have been preserved.

Social spaces overlook the great garden at the back, as a measure of security and privacy. A 25-meter pool responds to a request from the family that practices swimming as a sport.

Downstairs in the basement, parking for 10 cars supplies the lack of parking area in the surrounding streets. It also contains the service units and other facilities, facing a sunken courtyard.

The architectural proposal of keeping people together and in harmony, determines the interconnected spaces, including the pool area. A stripe partially invades the ceiling with a double height balcony, built to house the central atrium.

The abundant presence of glass allows the visitor or resident to see who is in the children’s room, living room and dining, while overlooking the garden, talking to everyone. The atrium brings together all the environments, eliminating corridors and hallways. Abundant light coming from the sides and the roof softens the program. The third floor, entirely glazed, emanates light for the rest of the house.

The glazed walls and double height ceilings allow a connection with the exterior and a contact with the trees, both for the interior as well as to see the movement of people through the house, turning circulations into open and comfortable places. The large spans, the void inside, high ceilings, and balconies contribute to air circulation, favoring cross ventilation and the elimination of air conditioning during most of the time.

A mixed structure of concrete and steel is part of the main house, a rectangular volume of exposed concrete interspersed with metal beams. When the structure alternates with a lighter material, the structural system is relieved, with larger openings. On the third floor, which is more open and glazed, the entire structure is steel.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY