*컬츄럴 북스토어 [ StudioMK27-Marcio Kogan ] Cultura Bookstore

북스토어 내부 건축환경은 개방성, 동선, 유연성 그리고 공간의 연속성을 고려한 통합 디자인을 지향한다.

유리와 알루미늄으로 이루어진 7.7미터 프레임, 주출입구를 통해 유입된 고객들은 먼저 음반 진열대와 정원에 위치한 카페를 만나게 된다. 그리고 다시 에스컬레이터를 통해 상부에 위치한 북스토어의 메인 플로어에 진입하게 된다.  상부 트러스 스트럭쳐를 통해 확보된 장스팬은 21미터 너비의 무주공간을 창출, 고객들의 편안한 독서를 비롯한 작은 콘서트 및 강의를 들을 수 있도록 제공된다. 이를 위해 이곳의 주인공; 책들은 내벽을 마감하는 디자인 요소처럼 벽면으로 밀착되며 거대한 보이드를 형성한다. 비치된 테이블 및 체어 또는 스탠드 계단에 앉아 고객들은 독서를 비롯한 자신만의 여가시간을 보내게 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The entrance is a 7.7m with glass and aluminum frames that are entirely recessed, leaving the passage open. On this floor, with more intimate dimensions, we find the audiovisual products, such as Blue Rays and a café in the garden. A set of escalators bring to the great span of the bookstore, reaching over an intermediate floor. Then we arrive at the top floor where there is a large room, with tables and club-chairs, as well as 21m wide bleachers opening over the span. Inviting to leaf through the pages of a book or even to hold small concerts and lectures, this structure leads the visitors to the open mezzanine.

Firm: StudioMK27 - Marcio Kogan
Type: Commercial › Retail
YEAR: 2013
Photos: Fernando Guerra, FG+SG

The books encircle the space, supported by eleven large tables arranged orthogonally in the large room and on white stands on the peripheral areas. These shelves have built-in LEDs and delimit the space, as a cube internally clad with books. A multi-use room, especially for conferences that earned the name philosophical café, a room reserved for a garden and books for children, completing the program.
The floor and the lining as well as the display tables are also of wood. The other planes use white laminates and distinguish the side walls from the rest.
The configuration of the bookstore floor plan, especially with the open circulation, sought fluidity and spatial continuity. The architectural journey begins in a cozy space then arrives at a monumental area, living, where most of the products and visitors can interact with one another, where one can take a book and read a chapter even before purchasing it, where one can simply rest and watch the movement. We thought like this, with inviting and pleasant spaces that end up promoting a type of socialization among people, these are the bookstores of the XXI century.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY