*미니멀 헤어살롱 [ SIDES CORE ] RE-EDIT Hair Salon in Osaka, Japan

디자인 스튜디오, SIDES CORE의 최근작 미니멀 헤어살롱. 일본 오사카에 위치.

오히려 아무것도 하지 않아 인상적인 내부공간. 살롱내부는 고객을 위한 의자와 고객을 비추는 전실거울이 전부. 내외부(외부도로와 살롱내부)를 경계 짓는 것 또한 매우 얇은(흐늘거리는) 커튼이 전부, 그래서 주야간 다른 상황을 연출.

최소한의 개입을 통해 집중도 높은 공간 창출. 그래서 디자인 본분에 충실할때 건축과 공간은 큰힘을 발휘하게됨.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Design studio SIDES CORE has recently completed this minimal hair salon in their hometown of Osaka, Japan. Created for the designers’ dear friend who decided to venture out and open his own business, RE-EDIT is a daringly minimal yet eye-catching salon situated on a street corner, lined with large windows all across its facade. In order to soften the interior’s relationship with the busy street outside, very thin curtains were hung along the windows, thereby creating a soft, otherworldly light during daytime. The completely white space is accentuated with bright hooks of yellow and red from which the mirrors and shelves hang freely, thus allowing it to be rearranged easily. According to the designers, the salon’s name alludes to working on something that already exists in order to ‘‘bring out and preserve’’ its value, and was envisioned as a space where guests can ‘‘refresh their heart and mind.’’ Quite efficiently, the characteristic curve of the salon’s mirrors was used also for the salon’s graphic identity and signage, thus becoming its trademark.

Type: Commercial / Beauty
Designer: Sohei Arao
Design Office: SIDES CORE
Constructor: THE
Location: 1F 1-7-7, Sakaebashicho, Sakaishi, Sakaiku, Osaka
Completed: March 2015
Area: 57 sq. meters

About the designers
''Seeking the essence of things'' is the motto of Japanese architecture and design studio SIDES CORE. Based in Osaka, Japan, the studio was founded in 2005 by designers Sohei and Sumiko Arao. Involved in product design, interior design and architecture, the studio has also received a ‘Special Mention’ at the 2010 Milan Salone Satellite Design Report Awards.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY