*형형색색 나무팽이, 커뮤니티를 위한 스트리트퍼니쳐로 [ Esrawe + Cadena ] Los Trompos (Spinning Tops)

공용공간 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 제안, '로스 트롬포스'는 아이들 장난감(나무팽이)으로 부터 영감을 얻은 형형색색의 설치물로 멕시코 전통 직물 직조방식을 통해 구현된다.

상호교감 할 수 있도록 디자인, 제작된 설치물은 뜨거운 태양으로 부터 사용자를 보호하는 그늘막과 벤치 그리고 센터기둥을 중심으로 원통을 회전, 흥미로운 교감(재미)를 생성한다. 이는 원래 팽이의 사용방식과 동일하며 확장된 경험을 유도한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Last month, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia, unveiled Los Trompos (The Spinning Tops), a large-scale, interactive design installation by Mexican designers Héctor Esrawe and Ignacio Cadena. You can see Los Trompos in person until November 29th, 2015.

esign: Esrawe + Cadena ® | Héctor Esrawe & Ignacio Cadena
Prototype: Gerardo Domínguez
Photography by Abel Klainbaum, Esrawe + Cadena, Jaime Navarro, Jonathan Hillyer

As a blank canvas for community engagement and programming, “Los Trompos” draws its inspiration from the form of a spinning top, a toy popular with children around the world. The project features more than 30 three-dimensional, larger than-life tops in a variety of colors and shapes, which are installed throughout the piazza.

The colorful surfaces of each “top” are created in part by fabric woven in a traditional style by Mexican Artisans. By working together, visitors may spin the tops on their bases as they interact with the structures. “Only through this interaction and collaboration will the work come to life and be complete,” said Cadena.

“The concept behind -Los Trompos- is based on an approach of traditional toys, their colorful expression and the way they are constructed. We wanted to talk about the traditions and skills of the craftsmen in Mexico, as an inheritance of our culture. We like the idea of translating these techniques into new symbols” said Esrawe.

In addition to installing the tops on the Sifly Piazza, the High has partnered with Midtown Alliance to bring this interactive design installation from The Woodruff Arts Center campus to the streets of Midtown. Seven locations for the tops are currently planned throughout the district.

Co-curated by Sarah Schleuning, curator of decorative arts and design, and Virginia Shearer, the Eleanor McDonald Storza director of education, the High’s piazza activation initiative was launched to explore how engagement with art and design can extend beyond the Museum’s walls through dynamic installations, enlivened by a variety of programs, art-making activities and other interactive features.

from  contemporist


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