*밀라노 엑스포, 브라질관 [ Studio Arthur Casas and Atelier Marko Brajovic ] Brazil's Expo pavilion

이번 밀라노 엑스포, 브라질관의 내부 저층부 상부에 설치된 거대한 로프 캐노피는 파빌리온의 주요한 디자인 요소로, 거대한 클라이밍 프레임을 생성한다. 방문객들은 이 템퍼러리 랜드스케이프(사용자의 움직임에 즉각적으로 반응하는 유동적인 인공지형)을 오르고, 내리는 행위를 통해 즉각적으로 반응하는 외피 및 흥미로운 공간경험을 제공받는다. 그러는 동안 발밑 저층부에 식재된 남아메리카의 다양한 식물들을 만나게 된다.

건축가는 이야기한다. '광장의 아이디어로 시작한 파빌리온은 건축물로 정의되지 않는, 공중에 부유하는 비물질화된 공간을 생성하는 파빌리온을 목표로 디자인된다.'

이러한 파빌리온은 두개의 블록으로 구성된다. 메인 전시장과 앞서 이야기한 플레이그라운드 및 브라질리안 가든으로 구성된다.

저층부 가든은 코르텐강을 구조체로 프레임하며, 개별적인 파고라가 듬성듬성 자리한다. 세월의 흔적이 반영된 재료(코르텐강)는 거대한 빔과 펀칭판넬에 함께 적용, 거대한 오렌지 컬러 공간을 생성한다. 그리는 동안 상부 로프 캐노피는 구조기둥과 메탈 고정대로 지지, 장스팬으로 이루어진 플렉서블 스페이스를 구현한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

climbing frame meets bouncy castle inside Brazil's Expo pavilion, where Studio Arthur Casas has suspended a huge rope canopy over a planted garden.
Visitors are invited to clamber up over the expansive temporary landscape, which gently flexes under the weight of footsteps. As they ascend, they are able to look down through the gaps onto an assortment of South American plant varieties.
"We tried to work with the idea of a plaza," explained Raphael França, a member of the Studio Arthur Casas team. "We wanted to have a non-building somehow, by cherishing the idea of a very ethereal pavilion."
The pavilion, which is one of the largest built structures on the Expo site, comprises two adjoining blocks – one housing the main exhibition and the other conceived as a Brazilian garden and playground.
The garden is framed by a structure of Corten steel, intended as a pergola. The pre-weathered metal gives the space an orange hue, visible on both the chunky I beams and the perforated cladding panels.
The rope canopy is strung up around the structural columns and held in place by metal fixings, creating a flexible surface that spans the length of the space.
"It's a reminder of our soil back home – fertile, filled with iron," França told Dezeen. "We wanted to inspire sensations of Brazil, not to impose it or fall under any kind of cliché."
"Under the canopy there are Brazilian plants, some native, others that have found a particularly adaptable climate in our country," he said.

Photography is by França.

Project: Studio Arthur Casas and Atelier Marko Brajovic
Architecture: Studio Arthur Casas
Author: Arthur Casas
Co-authors: Alexandra Kayat, Gabriel Ranieri, Alessandra Mattar, Eduardo Mikowski, Nara Telles, Pedro Ribeiro and Raul Cano
Project coordination: Alexandra Kayat
Co-author and interior design coordination: Renata Adoni
Studio director: Marilia Pellegrini
Collaborators: Arnault Weber, Rodrigo Tamburus, Fernanda Müller, Daniel Vianna and Juliana Matalon.
Exhibition and scenography: Atelier Marko Brajovic
Creative direction: Marko Brajovic and Carmela Rocha
Project coordination: Carmela Rocha
Logo and graphic design: Estudia Design
Collaborators: Martina Brusius, Milica Djordjevic and André Romitelli
Curators: Rony Rodrigues and Eduardo Biz
Local consultants and technical responsibility: Mosae
Contractor: Ing. E. Mantovani
Structural assistance: SP Project
Lighting design: Maneco Quindere

"You play, but at the same time you see that this canopy takes you to other spaces, to the galleries or to this nice garden underneath your feet."
A limited number of visitors are allowed on at once and, for safety, a net is suspended directly underneath. Bouncing is strictly banned, and users are encouraged to help each other across.
The concept stemmed from the idea of a network, which is central to the pavilion's design. Responding to the central Expo theme, which is Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life, the team wanted to explore elements they feel are important to Brazil's food production industries.
"From the beginning the word network was very present: in agriculture, cattle farming, nature conservation, society," said França.
"The main concept is how to present Brazil to the world and its vital role in food production by a fusion of architecture, exhibition and experience."
"The canopy is a literal translation of the idea of network," he added. "It's playful of course, but it works as an installation where people from everywhere play together, discover the otherness of strangers, and share the same astonishment and joy."
In addition to the rope canopy, ramps and staircases were installed along the edges of the structure, offering a route down. They also provide access to the second structure, which contains a restaurant and the more formal exhibition area.
Brazil is one of 145 nations participating in the Milan Expo 2015. Despite fear thats many pavilions wouldn't be complete in time for the event opening last week, the structure was almost entirely ready on schedule, bar a few items caught up in customs.
"Minor details are always there to be corrected, but overall, it's ready," said França. "This was a very tight budget compared to other pavilions, we had meagre means and big aspirations!"

from  dezeen


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