*서울역 고가도로 공원화 프로젝트 당선작 [ MVRDV ] transform abandoned highway into the seoul skygarden

'서울 스카이가든'으로 명칭된 서울역고가도로 공원화 프로젝트는 254종의 다양한 나무, 관목, 꽃들로 이루어진 도시 식물원을 구현, 서울을 대표하는 공중공원 형성을 목표로 한다.

새로운 오버패스(공중가로)는 또한 이웃한 서울역까지의 도보시간을 25분에서 11분으로 단축하며 현실적인 리노베이션 비용과 경제적인 유지관리의 이점을 확보한다.

기존 고가도로는 70년대 남대문 시장의 원활한 운송수단 확보를 위해 건립 서울의 주요한 도로 사용되었다. 허나 지난 2006년 구조안전진단 결과 17미터 높이 이상의 구조물 전체가 불안전한 것으로 판명, 철거를 예정하였다. 2009년부터는 고중량 화물을 적재한 화물차량의 운행이 전면 금지되었다. 그 후 전문가 집단과 시민들의 자문 및 협의과정을 통해 다시 도시공용시설로 복원을 추진, 올해 국제현상을 추진하기에 이르렀다.

이번 국제현상의 당선자, MVRDV는 새로운 그린공간 창출을 위해 가능한 유연하게 적용가능한 모듈유닛을 계획, 새로운 레져기능을 수행하도록 적용한다. 여기에 다양한 사이즈의 플랜트 포트와 사용자 설정에 따라 적용가능한 시설물; 카페, 꽃가게, 노점상가, 도서관 및 그린하우스를 적용함으로써 스카이가든을 더 즐겁고 흥미로운 장소로 생성한다.

계단, 엘리베이터 또는 에스컬레이터와 같은 수직동선을 추가함으로써 스카이가든과 연결되는 소규모 정원을 주위에 함께 조성, 기존 구조물(고가도로)로 부터 확장된 나무줄기 같은 랜드스케이프를 완성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

dutch studio MVRDV has been chosen to transform an abandoned section of highway in korea into an elevated public park. named the ‘seoul skygarden’, the design populates the overpass with 254 different species of trees, shrubs and flowers to create an urban arboretum that can be enjoyed the entire city.

location: seoul, south korea
year: 2015+
client: seoul metropolitan government
program: transformation of 938 meter section of elevated highway (9.661 sqm) into public space
budget: undisclosed

team: winy maas, jacob van rijs and nathalie de vries with wenchian shi, kyosuk lee, kai wang, jaewoo lee, ángel sánchez navarro, antonio luca coco, matteo artico

landscape designers: ben kuipers, delft, netherlands
industrial designers: studio makkink & bey, amsterdam, netherlands
local architect: DMP, seoul, korea
local landscape designer: KDI, seoul, korea
structure: saman and cross, seoul, korea
sustainability: EAN, seoul, korea
MEP: samsin, seoul, korea
traffic engineers: song hyun R&D, seoul, korea
lighting design: viabizzuno, milan, italy and nanam ald, seoul korea
app design: nhtv, breda, netherlands
cost engineers: myong gun, seoul, korea

organized according to the korean alphabet, a library of plants makes legible the natural diversity of the city, allowing citizens to interact with, and discover new species. the new overpass also serves to reduce the 25 minute walk around the neighboring railway station to just 11 minutes, while it is forecast to generate 1.83 times the cost of its renovation and maintenance in economic benefits.

the existing structure was built in the 1970s to provide a vehicular connection to and from the local namdaemun market, one of the region’s largest traditional points of trade. following intensive safety inspections in 2006, the city of seoul deemed the 17-meter high structure unsafe and intended to demolish it, banning heavy vehicles’ access to the elevated roadway in 2009. further consultation with residents and experts lead to the regeneration the overpass – which totals 9,661 square meters in area – into a pedestrian walkway and public space, with a design competition launched in 2015.

the contest-winning scheme from MVRDV makes the space as green as possible while introducing new leisure functions that require a modular and adaptable approach. in addition to circular plant pots of varying sizes, a series of customizable activators such as tea cafés, flower shops, street markets, libraries and greenhouses will provide a catalogue of elements designed to enliven the skygarden.

the seoul skywalk will change the daily lives of many people in seoul for the better,’ explains winy maas, principal architect and co-founder of MVRDV. ‘they will have a pleasant shortcut through a green oasis in the midst of all the traffic and concrete. it is a walk through a park, a living dictionary of the natural heritage of korea, connecting the city dwellers with nature. part of the project is a nursery in which plants will be raised for the surrounding parks; in this way the skywalk will help to make green the entire city center.’

additional structures such as stairs, lifts and escalators as well as new satellite gardens, can connect to the skygarden, sprouting like branches from the existing structural piers. these extensions can help generate further additions to the area’s greenery and public spaces, as it continues to evolve over time.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY