*컨테이너 오피스 [ Arcgency ] Made to be Moved

건축은 단순한 원칙을 바탕으로 한다. 꾸미지 않은 심미적 아름다움, 차별화된 각 공간의 적정크기, 건물을 가시적으로 연결하는 레이어 그리고 지속가능한 거주환경을 유지시켜주는 풍부한 자연채광을 원칙으로 한다.

보이는 그대로 내외부 외피와 스트럭쳐는 화물용 컨테이너를 이용한다. 10-14년동안 거친 바닷가에 노출된 컨테이너는 제2의 삶을 부여받아, 건축 요소의 일부분으로 치환된다. 이를 위해 결함있는 부분들은 제거 및 보수 후, 매트 그레이 코팅과정을 거쳐 통일된 건축환경(구조적 디테일 강화도 포함)을 구현한다.

컨테이너로 구현된 내부공간은 40feet 깊이와 3층 높이의 공간을 생성; 사용자 목적에 따라 분리된 공간, 그리고 이에 대한 체험공간을 거대한 오픈 스페이스 내에 표현한다. (물리적인 연결뿐만 아니라 가시적인 연결성 제공과 다목적 공간활용을 위해 오픈 스페이스로 제공된다.)

이는 공간에 깊이감과 원근감 그리고 내부 연결성을 확보한다. 다른 레벨과 대형 인테리어 윈도우는 협업을 위한 작업장 분위기를 생성, 각기 다른 파트의 독립적인 작업장 제공과 가시적인 연결성을 동시에 생성한다. 충분한 층고 또한 내부 공간 깊숙히 자연채광을 유도, 지속가능한 비즈니스 환경을 유지시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Arcgency is a Copenhagen office dedicated to Resource Conscious Architecture. Based on knowledge gained from research and projects on how to assemble and disassemble buildings Arcgency developed an architectural conceptthat is easily moveable while still offering the qualities of permanent buildings. More thanthat, it is an experiment in pre-fab architecture that challenges universal waste issues and traditional building techniques; How do we minimize energy usage while adapting to the rough and dynamic Scandinavian climate? How do we implement a high level of flexibility and functionality in the creation of ideal workspaces for creative entrepreneurs? How do we create a sustainable design that prioritizes diverse and interesting spaces with great visual quality and daylight conditions? How do we make a building move?

Architects: Arcgency
Location: Nordhavnen, Denmark
Engineer: Structural, SlothMøller. Energy, Steensen & Varming.
Area: 660.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: COAST_ Rasmus Hjortshøj

How it is done:

Worn-out shipping containers are stacked three stories high on a series of minimal site impact pillars. The container is a super optimized product, refined to be cost-effective, strong and durable. It fits international transportations standards and can be shipped and set up anywhere, enabling us to practice direct reuse. If a new building component with the same specifications were to be designed, it would be both expensive and time consuming.

The span between the containers is utilized as flexible spaces for primary workspace functions. The interiors of the containers can be used for secondary functions such as meeting rooms, workshops and storage. The raw container structure is set up in just two days. The container stack is wrapped with high performing insulated sandwich panels, also functioning as vapour barrier and cladding. They are bolted directly into the container frame – as are the windows, roof elements and interior floor slabs. Visible installations are used for water, electricity and heating, making it easy to set up and take down.

The architecture.

The architecture is based on at simple set of principles: Raw aesthetics,differentiated spatial sizes, layers of visual connections through the building and great daylight conditions.

The look and feel of the interior surfaces and structure is dictated by the shipping containers. The 10-14 rough years at sea has left their mark on the containers. As a building component they are given an afterlife and their dents and imperfections are acknowledged as part of the architecture. Except for a matte grey coating the containers are kept in their original states; Functioning doors, original floor and corrugated surfaces. The coating creates a uniform look and enhances the structural detailing.

From the 40 feet long spaces inside the containers to the triple high spaces between them; the different spatial experiences and scales invite to different uses. Especially the larger spaces open up to a variety of possibilities and visual connections through the building. Views of the exterior are always present; even across the building. This creates depth, perspective and a feeling of connectivity in the house. Different levels and large interior windows make it possible to create the feeling of working in a collaborative atmosphere. The teams inhabiting different parts of the building can feel connected while at the same time not disturbing each other.

Large full height openings let natural light pierce deep into the building all through the day. The need for artificial light is minimized. The daylight adds detail to the interior as shadows play across the corrugated container walls. It leads you through narrow spaces to the open plans and draws your eye across different levels and through the building. The triple high space lets light in from all four corners of the world. As a result all levels are given varied mixed light without the need for windows in all four facades. This is crucial to prevent overheating and eliminate the need for air-conditioning. The ceilings in the large spaces are cladded with perforated aluminium that reflect light from the waterfront. An acoustic absorbent is placed above the perforated surface, creating a perfect acoustic environment.

Key sustainable features:

Designed for Scandinavian climate. – 10 to + 25
Low energy usage: Below 41 kWh/m2 pr. year.
Highly insulated facade panels. 300mm. U- value: 0,13 W/m2K.
Designed for disassembly.
90 % recyclable materials.
Naturally ventilated.
3-layered windows with build in shading film.
Minimal site impact pillars.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY