*유쾌한 레빗씨 [ MAD Architects ] Wonderland, Beijing

바쁘게 살아가는 도시인들을 위한 안식처 '원더랜드'. 이곳의 주인공, 헤드폰을 착용한 거대한 레빗은 프론트 윈도우에 마주한 자리에 위치, 이곳을 방문하는 도시인들에게 자신만의 안식처를 제공한다. 또는 아이들의 흥미로운 놀이공간을 제공하기도 한다. 보는 이의 관점에 따라서 또끼는 마치 독서를하고 있는 방문객인 것처럼 보이기도 한다.^^ 유쾌한 놀이공간을...

reviewed by SJ,오사

For city dwellers, reading is a way to construct one’s own inner sanctum, their “wonderland.”

Once you put on headphones to block out city noise, you can feel the calm of the sun’s rays, green tress and clear blue skies in your own personal sanctuary.

until May 22, 2015
Wonderland, Beijing
Program: exhibition space
Architects: MAD Architects
Directors in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun, Yosuke Hayano
Design Team: Yin Ming, Sear Ng
Area: 6,5 sqm
Completion: 2015

The design of the reading space takes the shape of a rabbit immersed in its own world. Wearing headphones and facing the store’s front window, the rabbit is like the visiting readers – lost in their thoughts imagining far-off worlds. It is a comfortable space for visitors to sit or lie down, feeling their two long rabbit ears growing, as they listen to the sounds of their individual Wonderland.

Speaking on the design, Ma Yansong said, “Architecture exists to protect human emotions, architectural space needs to escape from doctrine and return to its original intent of individual emotion. ‘Innocence’ is not necessarily to be contradictory to the ‘reality’ of metropolitan life, as I can see people having their own universe deep within themselves. Through literature they can enter different worlds and have conversations with their own fantasies.”

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY