*벽돌하우스 패치워크로 재생되다 [ PHOOEY Architects ] A Patchwork Of Brick House

벽돌 하우스는 지속가능한 거주환경을 지향한다. 오스트리아 멜버른 외곽에 위치한 유서깊은 2층 주거의 리노베이션은 낡은 것은 버리고? 오래된 것을 더해 과거와 현재가 혼합된 현대적인 거주공간을 완성한다. (기능이 상실된 요소를 교체한다.) 재구성된 3층 주거의(지하층을 포함) 대부분은 주거 전면부, 빅토리안 섹션과 같이 존치, 업그레이드 된다. -구조 플로링 팀버, 윈도우, 도어, 보안 그릴과 계단 케이스가 복원된다.-

오래된 지붕재를 재활용한 슬레이트 루프타일은 새롭게 재구성된 입면재료로 적용, 전체 건물의 외형적 특징을 정의하는 패치워크로 디자인된다. -여러개 조각이 짜집기 된 듯한 작업을 통해 오래된 재료의 물성을 변화시킨다.- 하지만 질량보존의 법칙은 그대로 적용된다. 단지 현대적인 건축어휘를 통해 순서만 변경할 뿐, 상실된 기능을 복원할 뿐이다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

PHOOEY Architects have designed a contemporary addition to an existing double storey heritage house in Fitzroy North, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia.

The small & dysfunctional rear portion of the existing house has been demolished & replaced with a new contemporary and sustainable three storey house (including basement). The front double storey Victorian section has been entirely retained & upgraded. Many existing features, such as structural & flooring timbers, windows, doors, security grilles & the stair case were salvaged prior to demolition.

Slate roof tiles salvaged from the old roof now form part of the new facades & the old security screens have been assembled to form a dual purpose sun-shading & privacy screen over the new rear window.

The project applies the surrealist technique of “Cubomania” to catalogue, re-use & re-invent the demolished building materials. Embodied energy was minimised by balancing the quantity of demolished materials against the quantity of materials brought in to replace them.

This technique is evident in the external brickwork & corresponding adjacent landscape and is followed through within the various carefully detailed internal spaces.

The existing house suffered from limited solar access as it was the southern component of a semi-detached pair. The responding design includes a central light-well which delivers natural light & air to the new basement & all adjacent spaces via a window wall made of windows salvaged from demolished portions of the old house.

The old stair which presented safety concerns has been removed. Some of its salvaged elements have been fashioned into a chandelier, and some into a loft bed to provide bedtime fun for the smaller occupants.

The new bespoke stair spirals above & below to create a voluminous entry foyer & connect all levels. It is the new heart of the house & is the mixing pot between the restored old front parts of the house & the new (deliberately modern) rear. It is a place to comfortably get where you’re going or just to hang out.

Cubo House is an energy & water efficient home with many sustainable features cleverly hidden away. The re-purposed old materials (which might otherwise have been discarded) are presented so as not to disguise their original purpose & therefore provide an accessible display of adaptation & re-use.

Architecture: PHOOEY Architects
Photography: Peter Bennetts

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY