*커튼 파티션을 활용한 오피스 환경 [ dekleva gregoric architects ] (un)curtain office

커튼 오피스의 건축환경은 현재, 비즈니스환경의 지향점과 일치한다. 워킹 그룹 변화에 대해 능동적으로 대처하는 동시에 효율적인 생산방식 지원과 각 개인의 거주환경을 보장하는 비즈니스 환경을 지향한다.

과거와 현재, 전통적인 구조형식과 현대적인 모던공간이 혼합된 1938년 건립 건물의 특징은 커튼오피스의 유연한 오픈스페이스를 지원한다. 기존 구조물; 기둥은 카본을 통해 강화되는 동시에 가시적인 아이텐티를 구현하는 동안, 바닥과 천장은 시멘트 마감으로 보강과 디자인을 완성한다.

유연한 작업환경은 고정된 파티션을 사용하지 않으며, 사용자의 요구 또는 작업환경과 공간구성에 따라 커튼시스템으로 다양한 공간활용을 지원한다. 테이블이 있는 대형 미팅룸, 또는 미니 라이브어리와 주방이 겸비한 식당으로 즉각적으로 변화, 대응이 가능하다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The business community today operates dynamically, impulsively and diversely. Office environments must respond to the constant changes in working groups’ organizations, to their production processes and to the needs for personal comfort and technology development.

(un)curtain office from dekleva gregoric architects on Vimeo.

Architects: dekleva gregoric architects
Location: , Slovenia
Project Team: Aljoša Dekleva u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist); Tina Gregorič u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist); Lea Kovič u.d.i.a., Vid Zabel stud.arch., Naia Sinde arq.
Area: 350.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Janez Marolt

The building in which the curtain office is conceived, located in the centre of the city, was built in 1938 as a hybrid of modern and traditional structural principles. Its reinforced concrete pillar structure and load bearing exterior walls evoked the need and ability for huge open fluid space, which the building itself was already able to provide.

The refurbishment of the empty space started with reinforcement of the existing structure. The pillars had to be wrapped with carbon reinforcement that gave them also new visual identity. The floor had to be considered as a new structural element, as a reinforcement of the existing slab. In this manner the floor was done out of trowelled concrete, that gave the huge empty space uniform character. The character of the space was emphasised also with the trowelled glue ceiling.

The furniture was designed as a modular system of tables and drawers. The system itself allows the users to change the disposition of the furniture according to their needs and desires. The furniture was made out of three-layered spruce wooden panels. The drawers became “hairy“ drawers with its top filled with vegetation and serve as private mini-gardens. Each table has its own mini-garden that separates one table from another.

(un)curtain office is a working space with no predetermined fixed spatial partitioning. For the organisation of the working environments and spaces a system of curtains was used. That allows for countless scenarios of operation and appearance of the space. In a few seconds a meeting room with a large table for discussion can turn into a dining room with a mini library and a kitchen.

In the next moment the separated offices, arranged around the central corridor, can smoothly merge into a common open space, suitable for collective work, a social event or even a pop-up store.

from  archdaily


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