*가쓰오부시 쿠미아이 수산업 협동조합 오피스 [ Mizuno architecture design association ] Katsuobushi Kumiai Office

수산업 협동조합 사무공간을 위한 건축. 효율적인 비즈니스 환경 구현을 위해 건축은 처음부터 구조와 공간, 외부와 내부, 그리고 업무와 소통을 긴밀하게 연결하는 작업을 시작한다. 먼저 메시브한(투박하며 거대한) 콘크리트 박스를 전체 빌딩의 주요한 지점에 배치, 빌딩을 지지하는 구조체 역활과 외부 환경으로 부터 내부를 보호하는 버퍼존 역활을 동시에 수행한다. (역설적으로 들릴지 모르지만, 이 통로는 내외부를 연결하는 매개체 역활을 수행한다. 필요에 의해 막거나, 열어 공간을 확장한다.) 덕분에 (구조적으로 해방된) 바닥과 천장은 우드 슬래브를 사용, 구조적 비용 절감은 물론 콘크리트와 우드 팀버의 조화로운 구조미를 완성한다.

적절히 잘 조화된 재료의 사용은 지속가능한 사무공간이 지향하는 '안락과 안전'을 만족시키며 즐거운 거주와 업무를 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

"Katsuobushi Kumiai Office" is the project for the planned move of the Yaizu Katsuobushi Industry Cooperative Association, which  supported  supports the seafood processing industry in the city of Yaizu in Shizuoka Prefecture.

  • Architects: Mizuno architecture design association
  • Location: Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
  • Architect In Charge: Yoshiyasu Mizuno
  • Area: 381.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Harunori Noda
  • Constructional Design: MASAYUKI Takada / RGB structure
  • Construction Management: Kinoshita Kensetsu Kogo

Since the building plot is surrounded by refrigeration units owned by the association, the highest priority was given to creating a tranquil business space, protected from the noise generated by the incoming and outgoing of large vehicles and the unloading of freight.

Design intent is to populate with the non-dwelling functions in the "boxes" made of reinforced concrete to create a buffer zone from the outside environment, reducing thermal load input to the office area inside. and anticipating to form creating a positive link to the outside in the spaces between boxes.

The reinforced concrete boxes as structural units carry the horizontal forces, while floors and ceilings are composed of wooden slabs. In this way structural costs decreased, with exposed timber textures contributing to reducing feeling of the inorganic appearance derived from the textures of reinforced concrete.

Our interpretation of the client’s request is to make these business spaces a pleasant environment by applying appropriate materials to the horizontal and vertical floors and walls to create a "safe and comforting" ambience, instead of manipulating the atmosphere in a radical manner.

Our design process employed is to distribute features vital to the business space in their required locations,in a straight-forward way, resulting in having ragged volumes applied with a variety of materials.

We designed this new building with the hope of gaining iconicity communicating with society, just as the former building to be demolished before long having served as a symbol for this industry in Yaizu and well loved by the citizen.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY