*오피스 리노베이션 [ Jacobs Group ] CSL Global Corporate Headquarters

프로젝트의 시작은 60년 건립된 사무공간에 추가적인 업무공간 확보와 이를 기존 공간과 효율적으로 연계하는 건축적 기능 구축을 첫번째로 합니다. 여기에 회사의 새로운 이미지 및 캐릭터 창출이 더해집니다.

소통을 위한 열린 비즈니스 플랜

건축환경 개선작업은 임직원들의 소통을 확충하는 프로그램 구성과 확장된 엑세스(연결성) 그리고 비즈니스 모델에 중요한 시크리트(보안성)을 보장합니다. 다수의 공유 및 전용 미팅공간은 이러한 소통을 위해 각 작업장(업무공간)에 편집된 동선과 함께 재 배치됩니다. 물론 지속가능한 사무공간 확보를 위해 자연채광은 새로운 파사드를 통해 필터링되며 균등한 조도환경을 구현합니다.

지속성을 위한 선택

기존 커튼월의 부정적인 측면 (유리상자로 인한 온실효과)에 대한 대안으로 재조정된 입면 디자인은 앞서 말한 바와 같이 지속성을 보장하는 동시에 CSL 글로벌 헤드쿼터의 고유한 캐릭터; 건축적 성향을 보여주는 디자인 요소로 적용됩니다. 여기에 기존 건축물의 단열보수 공사가 더해져 통합적인 지속성을 보장합니다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The project team, working for the CSL Steering Committee – a select group of five senior executives representing the CSL Global Corporate Headquarters project – was headed by internal CSL Engineering Group project managers with Jacobs as lead consultant and Irwin Consult providing the majority of disciplines. The team worked closely with the steering committee to deliver a comprehensive upgrade and expansion of the existing early 1960’s modernist administration building designed by BatesSmart & McCutcheon.

  • Architects: Jacobs Group
  • Location: Poplar Road, Parkville VIC 3052, Australia
  • Design Team: Tim Foster, Clinton Murray, Andrew Kings, Ashley Fraser, Maria Panettieri, Peter Goh
  • Architecture Practice: Jacobs Group (Australia Pty Ltd)
  • Area: 2500.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: meinphoto
  • Consultant Team: Irwin Consult
  • Landscape Architecture: Three Acres
  • Building Surveyor: McKenzie Group
  • Contractor: Monaco Hickey

The Steering Committee’s brief was to provide a best-practice flexible workplace to increase productivity and collaboration whilst honouring CSL’s history and promoting the future of the company. The response demanded a building that was non-ostentatious, but reflected the innovation and high-technology of the manufacturing process – from research and development though to production.

The existing building, acting as the main site entrance and frontage to Poplar Road in Parkville was proving inadequate to enable the company to properly welcome significant stakeholders and investors for the global company from its humble beginnings as the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories in 1916.

Significant security, access, people and vehicular flow issues were resolved at a masterplanning level, whilst the brief required additional programme to enable staff and executives to improve collaboration. With a number of shared and dedicated meeting spaces required, along with requirements for adequate amenities and shared facilities the design response was to connect three additional double or triple storey Pods symmetrically around the building. The Pods act as shading devices, offer branding, vertical circulation and provide organisational and hierarchical structure via strong internal linkages between each pod.

The pods are layered with colour and texture to create a unique and uplifting quality of light that filters though into the Pods internal spaces and continues into the large open office and workstation zones of the existing floor plate. The coloured pattern applied to the glazing of the north Pods reference the colours of the CSL brand and fundamental pillars of CSL blood products - plasma, and an abstracted immunoglobulin molecule. To the south, the patterns applied to the southern Pods draw from the context of site and history. The green tones of Royal Park as seen from the Pods and glazed link are used to form an abstracted smallpox virus, acknowledging CSL’s historical foundation as the nation’s vaccine provider. These patterns come to life via the use of the moiré effect - created with a dual layer of aligned pattern - produced when moving past the screens.

Environmentally, the project utilises the strengths of the existing building’s solar orientation, shading devices and solid east and west walls providing thermal mass. The placement of the pods and dual layered façade permits high levels of natural light throughout the existing narrow floor plate whilst shielding the glazed zones from direct heat load. The refurbishment of the existing building permitted the building to be adequately sealed. High levels of new insulation enabled active chilled beams to be selected as the main heating and cooling method – being delivered by new high efficiency plant.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY