*캠퍼스 소셜 허브 [ JCY ] Wesfarmers Court at Curtin University

커틴 대학내 웨스프레임 코트의 지향점은 뚜렷합니다. 흩어진 대학내, 다양한 소셜활동의 구심점 역활과 물리적인 동선 연결을 수행하는 매개장소 기능을 수행합니다. 이는 대학의 장기 발전 계획; 마스터 플랜의 가이드라인에서 진행됩니다. 또한 학생 중심의 캠퍼스 생활을 위한 매력적인 교육환경 생성과 이를 통한 균형 잡힌 캠퍼스 생활을 지원합니다.

캠퍼스 소셜 허브

남북을 가로지르는 내부 보행로; 커튼 코르소와 교내 시설을 연계하는 중정은 커틴 비즈니스 스쿨과 앵아지 카페 그리고 랜스 트워니 극장 사이, 거대한 스틸 구조물로 자리합니다. 중정을 따라 구조화된 스틸 프레임은 펀칭메탈 파사드와 외부 환경; 다양한 기후와 사계절을 필터링하는 조절 가능한 루프 캐노피가 설치되어, 중정의 실질적인 기능성을 확보합니다. 여기에 프레임을 따라 리니어하게(길이방향으로) 설치된 led 전광판은 다양한 이벤트 및 정보, 뉴스를 전달하는 인포메이션 역활을 수행, 양방향 소통을 제공합니다. 중정 내 설치된 스트리트 퍼니쳐 및 유연한 공간은 다양한 교내 소셜활동을 지원합니다. 웨딩, 네트워팅 이벤트, 각종 공연, 외부 강의 및 발표회 등 다양한 소셜활동의 허브로 제공됩니다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Curtin University's future development and growth is undergoing significant change and challenges. A number of planning documents have been established as guidelines in the future development of the broader campus expansion and university’s recognition of creating greater aspirations in developing a student focused campus; in providing a campus where students are attracted to study and participate in ‘campus life’ as an essential balance in furthering education.

  • Architects: JCY
  • Location: Kent Street, Bentley WA 6102, Australia
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Rob Ramsay

Key to the recognition and implementation of the campuses place-led approach to the university’s revitalization is the ‘Place Activation Plan’ established in 2012. The purpose of the 'Place Activation Plan' was to identify key places within the Curtin campus requiring revitalization, each contributing in part to activating the campus as a whole and providing a variety of inter-connected destinations encompassing physical change, programmed and non-programmed events and activities, greater diversity and an improved campus environment to be shared by staff, students and visitors.

A number of key destinations have been identified across the campus to achieve place activation outcomes linked by the primary North-South internal pedestrian avenue, the ‘Curtin Corso’.

Wesfarmers Court was identified as one of the key 'destinations' throughout the campus with a strong connection to the ‘Curtin Corso’, the university’s business sector and the future development of the northern structure plan which is currently underway. This new northern precinct will develop into the new 'gateway' to the Curtin campus, strengthening connections to the main, pedestrian avenues and the refurbished Wesfarmers Court precinct.

Wesfarmers Court is the first project completed within the Place Activation masterplan with the principle aim for the revitalization of the courtyard to create a flexible and adaptable space to showcase Curtin's Business School activities through promoting greater utilization of this space and as the new gateway 'hub'.

The project consists of a steel framed structure inserted between the Curtin Business School, Angazi Cafe and the Lance Twomney Theatre. The steel structure's large expanse covers the entire courtyard to provide a framework defining a functioning courtyard with perimeter perforated screens and a fully operable roof canopy that respond to the varying climatic conditions and seasonal changes. The structure has been fitted with a large media screen for events and presentations, heaters, feature lighting and a ticker tape display 'loop' displaying information and current news items.

The space has been dispersed with various loose furniture to allow for a versatile function area that can perform to a variety of events from weddings, networking events, music entertainment, outdoor lectures and presentations as well as the day to day social hub for students.

Future stages of the redevelopment of this precinct will involve the demolition of two concrete classroom 'pods' under the Business School building. This will open up the northern vista, an extension of the ticker tape display loop to form the northern gateway entry point of the 'corso' pedestrian avenue. It will also incorporate the expansion of the function areas, landscaping and various pop-up retail outlets housed within shipping containers.

The introduction of small pop-up retail outlets or a bar will serve to encourage greater campus activation and extended trading hours for the existing café. Night time activities such as movie nights or musical performances will encourage students to better engage and interact with their campus in the creation a lively, activated and attractive learning environment.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY