*생동감 넘치는 컬러 디자인, 농구코트 Pigalle Duperré is a colourful basketball court tucked between a row of Parisian apartments

프랑스 파리, 구시가지에 설치된 농구코트는 패션 브랜드,Pigalle 주관으로 디자인 스튜디오,Ill-Studio와 나이키 협업으로 완성됩니다. 생동감 넘치는 도시풍경을 위한 대담한 색체 디자인은 러시아 예술가 Kasimir Malevich의 30년대 작, 'Sportsmen'을 모티브로 스포츠 분야에 주로 사용되는 파란색, 흰색, 빨간색, 노란색을 사용합니다. 안정적인 경기 운영을 위해 바닥에는 고무패널(EPDM)이 동일한 색쳬로 디자인 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Ill-Studio has collaborated with French fashion brand Pigalle to create a multicoloured basketball court between a row of buildings in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.
Named after its location, the court is situated on Rue Duperré and was first renovated by Pigalle founder Stephane Ashpool and Nike in 2009.
Last year, the two Paris-based studios came together to update the court and create a backdrop for the Pigalle Basketball Spring Summer 2015 presentation.
The Pigalle label was founded in June 2009 and the brand launched its second line, Pigalle Basketball, in 2014.

"Stephane Ashpool, the founder and designer of Pigalle, has been playing on this court and training kids there for several years now," Paris-baed Ill-Studio told Dezeen. "We first updated the design in 2014 as a collaboration with Stephane for the launch of the Pigalle Basketball store that is located just in front of the court."
Ill-Studio took inspiration from a 1930s artwork called Sportsmen by Russian artist Kasimir Malevich – a boldly coloured oil painting that depicts four figures stood side by side.
"Sportsmen is one of our favourite paintings of all time," said the studio. "We were attracted to the subjects of the painting, but also the strong colours and graphic composition that matched the direction we had in mind."
Panels of blue, white, red and yellow ethylene propylene diene monome (EPDM) rubber – a synthetic material commonly used in playground and sports areas – have been applied to the floor.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY