*양극적 감각의 조화- 웨스트메드 연구소[ BVN ] Westmead Millennium Institute

웨스트메드 밀레니엄 연구소는 웨스트메드 병원 캠퍼스에 걸쳐 총 6곳의 건물에서 온 스탭들을 한자리에 모이게 한다.

차분한 약속의 단독 공간 안에 각기 다른 연구 그룹을 재정리하기 위함이다.

차분한 결의적 감각에도 불구하고 유동성이 있으며 심지어는 미완결된 건물의 느낌을 주어, 수많은 시간을 거쳐 마치 그 형태나 수용 능력이 변화할 것처럼 이용과 적응을 지속할 수 있게 한다.

서비스 공간들은 현재와 미래가 요구되는 엔지니어의 거대한 배열을 통합하고 있으며 많은 공간들은 확장할 수 있는 이용시설로써 사무실이 연구실로 바뀔 수 있도록 배치되어 있다.

그 안에 논리들은 분명함을 복잡함에 더하고, 다목적 기능을 부과한다. 빛과 외부로의 접근은 내부와 연구실, 사무실과 그 통로 공간 사이에 동일하게 제공하고 있다.

이번 프로젝트는 모든 경향을 고려한 작업이었다. 섬세함과 능숙함이 건물의 논리에 변형되어 영감을 주는 콜라보와 연구에 녹아 들었다.


“The Westmead Millennium Institute brings together staff from six sites across the Westmead Hospital campus; facilitating a regrouping of divergent research groups within a singular place of calm engagement.


  • Architects: BVN
  • Location: Sydney NSW, Australia
  • Project Year: 2014
  • Photographs: John Gollings
  • BVN Team: Julian Ashton – Project Principal, Bill Dowzer – Design Review Principal, Ian Goodbury – Project Director, John Jacka – Project Architect, Rose Jimenez – Architect – User group leader, Namaste Burrell – Site Architect, Andrew Metcalf – Design Review, Ali Bounds – Project Team, Frank Bruss – Project Team, Catherine Skinner – Project Team, Will Blake – Architect and BIM leader
  • Project Manager: Capital Insight
  • Builders: Abigroup and Cockram
  • Services Engineers: Arup
  • Structural Engineers: Taylor Thomson Whitting
  • Hydraulic Engineers: Steve Paul Partnership
  • Quantity Surveyors: WT Partnership

A strong sense of logic drives the ordering and thus expression of the building. It strikes an impressive presence along the Hawkesbury Road, almost formidable at the suburban edge of the campus. Despite the sense of calm resolution, it is a flexible and even unfinished building, which ensures its continued use and adaptation over many years as it shape and occupants may change.

Generous service zones integrate the huge array of engineering required now and into the future, and many of the spaces now set up as offices can become labs as the use expands

From within, this logic brings clarity to a complex, multi-functional brief. Access to light and views of the outside are provided equally from within and through laboratories, offices and communal spaces. This transparency also facilitates a layered understanding of the building’s use, promoting interaction between researches and engaging visitor.

BVN’s well considered palette of materials and details underpins the enduring quality of this building, which offers a beguiling sense of wellbeing. A mix of natural materials, quality concrete and light – reflecting white surfaces create a focused working ambience. Generous proportioning elevates the mundane and quiet strength emerges through the skilful execution of many parts within the whole.

This is a project where every aspect has been considered. The sensitivity and deftness of this consideration has transformed the building’s logic into an uplifting and inspiring environment for collaboration and research.”

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY