*보트하우스 개조로 탄생한 덴마크 건축회사[ 3XN ] Old Boat Houses Were Converted Into New Offices

덴마크의 건축회사인 3XN은 한때 기우뚱 기울여졌던 오랜 보트 하우스를 150명의 사원을 수용할 수 있는 자사를 위한 사무실로 변화시켰다.  

3XN는 이전 사무공간이 3층 규모로 직원들이 나눠 근무했었는데, 최근 2천 평방미터 규모의 새로운 스튜디오인 “캐논 보트 하우스”로 이전하게 되었다. 

이 오래된 캐논 보트하우스는 1800년대 중반 군사용 보트들을 수리하거나 저장하기 위한 장소로 사용되었다. 건물의 바닥 층은 인접한 운하 쪽을 향해 약간 기울어져 있는데, 이는 보트 제작업체가 물 쪽으로 보트들을 미끄러져 들어가도록 하기 위함이다. 

동쪽 뱃면은 운하를 향하고 있고, 전체 창문과 문들로 전체를 채웠다. 3XN의 설립자인 Kim Herforth Nielsen는 시니어 디자이너에서부터 인턴에 이르기까지 모든 직원들이 회사 프로젝트와 회사의 삶에 공헌할 가치있는 아이디어를 가지고 있다고 믿는다. 

컴피티션 팀들은 프로젝트 팀들, 커뮤니케이션부서와 관리부서 GXN과 함께 앉고 모든 직원들은 서로 서로 볼 수 있으며 각 그룹이 하고 있는 모습들을 보며 영감을 얻을 수 있다. 

Nielsen의 목적은 최대한 심플한 인테리어를 꾀하자는 것이었으며, 회사가 진행한 프로젝트에 관련된 사진들과 모델들을 전시하는 것을 목표로 했다. 흰색의 벽, 흰색의 책상과 유리들은 회의실에 배치되었다. 이 오래된 목재 구조는 전체적으로 내부를 부드럽게 드러내 주는 역할을 한다. 

Danish architecture firm 3XN, have transformed what was once a historic listed boat house, into an office for themselves, that can accommodate up to 150 staff.

3XN had outgrown its previous workspace, where staff was spread out over three different floors of an historic building in the Christianshavn neighborhood of Copenhagen.
The firm recently moved to a new 2,000m2 studio in a listed ‘canon boat house’ along a canal in Copenhagen’s Holmen neighborhood.
The move was inspired by the wish to have one space where all staff could see and interact with each other and benefit from the best facilities for model making, working collaboratively and have ample daylight.
The historic canon boat shed, which dates from the mid-1800s, was originally used to repair and store military boats.
The floor of the building slopes slightly towards the adjacent canal, which allowed the boat builders to slide the boats out into the water.
The eastern facade faces the canal and is lined entirely with full-height windows and operable doors.
Kim Herforth Nielsen, 3XN’s founder, believes that everyone – from senior designers to interns – has valuable ideas to contribute to our projects and the life of the firm.
He designed the new studio to facilitate communication, laying it out as one open plan that locates staff based on their group.
The competition teams sit together, as do the project teams, Communication, Administration and GXN. All staff can see one another and be inspired by what each group is doing.
A non-hierarchical culture, all partners sit in the open studio with the staff, which cultivates openness and sharing.
The flexible space currently supports a staff of 80 but can accommodate up to 150.
While the exterior of the building is protected, 3XN did remove several existing interior dividers to open up the working area.
They created a ’box within a box,’ adding structurally ‘free floating’ glass-framed conference rooms to satisfy this particular need.
Nielsen’s goal was to keep the interior as simple as possible, to allow the models and photographs of the firm’s work to be the defining features.
White walls, white desks and glass enclosed meeting rooms express this vision. The historic wooden structure is revealed throughout, which softens the interior.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY