*숄을 드리운듯한 지붕을 한 일본의 주택-[ Y+M Design Office ] Shawl House

Y+M Design 오피스가 지은 일본 주택은 숄처럼 늘어진 형태로 디자인이 되어 있는데, 집 전체를 둘러싸면서 테라스와 다도방, 주차공간을 덮는 모습을 하고 있다. 

고베를 거점으로 하고 있는 Y+M Design은 숄 하우스를 디자인했는데, 이 곳은 두 아이를 키우는 부부의 주택으로, 이 부부가 살았던 이 집은 자연채광을 갖춘 작고 비좁은 집었는데, 이제는 2층짜리 주택에 독립된 다도방과 테라스, 주차공간까지 갖춘 곳으로 변모하였다. 

집 주변의 사방은 다른 주택으로 둘러싸여져 있기에, 건축가들은 C자 형태의 세 부분의 공간으로 구성하였는데, 여기를 하나의 단독 지붕으로 전체적으로 연결하였다. 숄 모양의 지붕을 설계한 이유는, 자연스럽게 건물을 덮어 주변으로 하여금 사생활을 보호하기 위함이라고 관계자들은 전한다.

여름에 숄 모양의 지붕은 강렬한 태양열을 차단하고 실내의 시원한 공기를 가두면서도, 겨울에는 반대로 태양열을 가둬들여 따뜻함이 보존되도록 하는 효과가 있다.  

The roof of this Japanese home by Y+M Design Office has been designed to hang like a shawl, drooping over the house to cover a terrace, tea room and carport.

Shawl House was designed by Kobe-based Y+M Design Office for a couple with two young children in the southern Japanese city of Imabari, who previously lived in a cramped home with little natural light. It comprises a two-storey house, a separate tea room and terrace, and a carport.

As the house is surrounded by others on all sides, the architects arranged its three volumes in a C shape around a garden to create a sense of enclosure, and covered them in a single roof to shield them from overlooking.

"The owners wanted a bright house where they could live easily with two children," architect Hidemasa Yoshimoto told Dezeen. "We designed the roof like a soft shawl, which gently covers the building to maintain their privacy."

The extended roof was also designed to provide shade for the house in summer, when temperatures reach about 27 degrees Celsius (80.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and trap warmth in winter, when temperatures drop to about five degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit).

"In summer, the shawl roof cuts out strong sunshine and traps cool air, and in winter, it traps the sunshine, and the warmth from this gets stored naturally in the terrace's concrete floor," said Yoshimoto.

Two curved slits have been cut out of the wall behind the terrace to allow breezes to pass through the site, providing natural ventilation in summer.

The ground floor of the house has an open-plan kitchen, dining room and living space, and the first floor has a master bedroom and study, two children's bedrooms, and a play area at the top of the stairs.

A curved section of the upper floor has been cut out to create a void between the play area and the living space below.

"It means the family can easily have eye contact with each other and communicate, which makes for a better life together under one roof," said Yoshimoto, whose firm has also recently completed a residence designed as a house within a house and a home of at the foot of Mount Rokkō featuring a series of stacked concrete boxes.

The curved void inside Shawl House follows the line of the roof outside to create a sense of continuity between the interior and exterior, and plywood covers the ceiling inside and outside to accentuate this.

"The owners wanted a space that was light and private, but the connection between indoors and outdoors was also important for them," said Yoshimoto.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY