*중국 목화 저장소를 상호역동적인 인터넷 사무실로 - C+ architects transforms cotton warehouse into coworking office in beijing

C+ architects는 ‘jingyuan no. 22′라는 프로젝트 명으로 중국 베이징에서 330 평방 미터 규모의 오래된 목화 저장소를 2개의 인터넷 파이낸스 회사들을 운영하고 있는 사무실로 개조하게 되었다.

프로젝트의 디자인 컨셉은 유동적이면서도 실험적인 공간을 만들어내는 데 집중하였고, 이는 인터넷 사고의 동일한 논리를 따를 수 있게 하는 것이었다. 결과적으로 복합적인 업무가 가능한 상호 역동적인 사무실이 탄생하였다.

기존에 있던 2층 구조는 새롭게 공간적인 배열을 만들어 낼 수 있게 하였는데, 다시 말해 중앙에 있는 정원을 따라 순환 구조의 체계를 각 층에 구성할 수 있게 하였다.

수직적 순환 구조를 풍성하게 하기 위해 파티션 벽 사이에 슬라이드계단을 놓아 프로그래머들이 회의실과 화장실을 빠르게 도달할 수 있도록 했다.


located in beijing, china, ‘jingyuan no. 22′ is a project by C+ architects that transformed a 330 square meter old cotton warehouse into a coworking office owned by two young internet finance companies. the design concept concentrated in creating a flexible and experimental space that could follow the same logic of internet thinking. the result was an interactive shared office with multiple working possibilities and narrative scenes, created by furniture partitions and natural light control.


architects: c+ architects
location: beijing, beijing, china
architect in charge: cheng yanchun
design team: wang yakun, sun sijin, wang jingxuan, xie bingyou, zheng yichun, li linjie
area: 600.0 sqm
project year: 2015
photographs: xia zhi

the previous two-story steel structure allowed for the development of a new spatial order, giving each level an independent looping circulation system, organizing it along a central courtyard. the main conference room and a white wall for projections within the courtyard are the center part of the building and function both for business meetings and entertaining. open working spaces are set around this central square, ensuring teamwork efficiency and communication.

n addition to the main conference area and courtyard, other spaces like the cafeteria, the sunken sitting area, the library zone, and the grand OSB staircase, can be adapted and arranged for independent group discussions or even as a temporary small-scale teamwork space. this way, the design helps to create diverse working contexts that generate a continuous evolving space that can adjust to the daily operations when fixed workstations are not enough.

in order to enrich the vertical circulation, a slide has been hidden between the partition walls, from where the programmers can quickly reach the conference room and restrooms. 3 newly opened skylights bring natural light into the building, framing the blue skies and white clouds referencing magritte’s surrealist style. blinds were installed on the windows facilitating the employees to adjust the indoor light at any time, enjoying the changing daylight throughout the year.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY