*농업생산을 위한 전초기지 [ Poggi architecture ] HDE 17

기능을 위한 건축, 건축의 진정성을 묻습니다. 프랑스 농업생산지역내에 새롭게 건립된 HDE 17는 이러한 질문에 블루 박스로 답을 합니다. 주변 산업 및 공업지대의 자연환경으로 부터 차별화 되는 동시에 농업생산을 위한 신생기업들의 전초기지로 제공될 건물은 무엇보다 효율성과 기능성을 목표로 설계됩니다. 이는 다양한 농업생산물에 대해 대처할 수 있도록 설계된 건축환경과 이를 구현하는 외부 스틸판넬을 통해 완성됩니다.

HDE 17 is a business park for startups in the agri-food sector in La Rochelle. It is the second of its kind in France. It is situated in an industrial area, near the seaport. The surrounding landscape is like any typical industrial zone, comprised of old and new big steel boxes without identity or quality.

  • Architects: Poggi architecture
  • Location: La Rochelle, France
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Arthur Péquin
  • Associated Architects: More architecture
  • Project Manager: François Magendie
  • Structural Engineering: AIA Ingénierie
  • MEP: SNC Lavalin SAS
  • Sustainability: Elithis
  • Acoustic: Emacoustic
  • Cost control and Monitoring: Bureau Pastier

For the HDE 17 building, the client wanted a high level process industry “lookalike” that will landmark the expected change in the area and seduce startups in the agri-food sector.

The main function of the building is to provide a complete and high-level tool for startups that cannot afford to build their own factory. The goal is to rent them a process space for 1 to 5 years to develop a product.

The interior is highly complex due to the sanitary constrains along with the client’s wish for flexibility. Workspaces are considered as cells, organized around the flux of production (from raw material to the finished goods).

Cells can be enlarged by opening sidewalls to adjoining cells. Flexibility is the great advantage of this agri-food sector business park and has also been the great technical challenge.

The outside skin is made of white expanded steel panels wrapped around the building. It gives the building a clean and high-level process look. The main entrance and trucks access way are landmarked by a striking canopy covering a blue void.

The architectural challenge has been to redefine the typical industrial box and turn it into a great flexible production tool with a positive outlook.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY