*벽돌만으로 다이나믹한 생명을 불어넣은 테헤란의 건물-[ Admun Design & Construction Studio ] Cloaked in Bricks

이번 프로젝트는 두 가지 도전적인 사항을 해결해야 했는데, 

첫째, 구조는 우리가 이 작업을 수행하기 이전 이미 다른 팀에 의해 건설이 되었다.

둘째, 건물은 테헤란에 있다. 

였다. 건축가의 역할은 위의 두가지 도전을 극복하고 사용자의 니즈를 만족할 수 있는 디자인을 해야만 했다. 

극도의 사생활을 제공하면서도, 적절한 조명과 외부로부터 제한된 시야를 제공하면서도, 많은 차량이 즐비하는 이웃에서 나온 소음을 차단하는 등을 특징으로 하고 있다. 

주변 마을의 ‘패브릭’에서 영감을 얻어 ‘벽돌 텍스쳐’를 차용했는데, 혼란스러운 스카이라인을 반영하고 있고 이웃의 풍경을 고려하는 위치에 오프닝들을 두었다.  

열고 닫히는 벽돌은 다양한 정도로 오프닝을 제공하고, 그 열기의 각도는 태양 방향과 이웃 아파트로부터의 적절한 거리 및 햇살을 안팎으로 고려하여 적용시켰다. 

벽돌은 그 재료 하나만을 사용하더라도 다이나믹한 면을 창조하는 독창적인 가능성을 가지고 있다. 건축은 끊임없이 안과 밖으로 모두 살아있어야 하므로 건물의 다채로운 텍스쳐는 빛과 그늘의 다른 정도를 반영하며 다양하게 변하게 된다.  

During the last decades Tehran population has grown enormously, as a consequence demand for housing has increased dramatically leading to high land prices. In such conditions every feet of land equals to considerable amount of profit making a change in priorities. In contradiction to the past that the main center of attention was on human’s comfort and needs, unfortunately, making the most profit out of every project has become the number one priority, these days.

  • Architects: Admun Design & Construction Studio
  • Location: Tehran, Nafisi St, Iran
  • Architect in Charge: Shobeir Mousavi, Amir Reza Fazel
  • Design Team: Ramtin Haghnazar, Mohsen Fayazbakhsh, Marjan Rafighi, Bita Latifi
  • Project Team: Ali Reza Fazel, Majid Rahmati, Bahareh Ahmadnia
  • Area: 1100.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Mostafa Karbasi, Parham Taghioff
  • Presentation Team: Mostafa Karbasi, Niousha Ghasem
  • Construction: Admun Design & Construction Studio
  • Project Management: Shobeir Mousavi, Amir Reza Fazel
  • Construction Team: Mehdi Mousavi, Javad Shirmohammadi, Mohsen Hosseini, Arash Askari, Mir Ali Shafiei, Ahmad Esmaeel Zade
  • Facade Structural Consultant: Jalal Salehi
  • Mechanical Design: Sassan Alavinejad
  • Electrical Design: Shahrouz Jafari

The current housing developments tend toward a vertical growth and even though this pattern of housing is economically profitable for the builders and seems to be the only solution to the lack of sufficient land, it is extremely in contrast with Iranian lifestyle originating from their cultural and religious belief.

A key characteristic of Iranian vernacular residential architecture was providing privacy for the residents which in the past was achieved through an introverted architecture often formed around a central private garden with all the openings oriented to that and the windows were rarely exposed on the outer faces. However, in the contemporary residential architecture windows are opened to the public passage and with the vertical growth of the apartments, privacy has become a lost quality. An evidence of this claim is several balconies in the neighborhood covered by opaque materials blocking view from the opposite buildings.

The design team faced several challenges:

1. The structure was constructed by another team before we were commissioned the job.

2. The strict building codes in Tehran.

The architect’s role was to overcome the mentioned challenges to produce a design that addresses its users’ needs and reconceptualize vernacular precedents to create a unique architecture.

To provide maximum privacy yet fulfilling other features such as moderating light, limiting view from outside, organizing chaotic experience of the terraces and decreasing high-traffic neighborhood noise, the solution seemed to be covering the architectural mass in a grid of openings. Brick appeared to be a proper choice since it has always been used as a local building material in Iran meeting environmental needs while creating numerous aesthetically beautiful textures

The concept for the façade is inspired from the surrounding neighborhood fabric. The brick texture is a reflection of the context’s chaotic skyline and the openings are located considering the pleasant and unpleasant neighborhood views.

Rotating the bricks provided the opportunity to have various degrees of openings and the  rotation angles are precisely adjusted through a dialogue between inside and outside considering sun direction, daylight and level of distraction from the across apartments.

The complex form of the façade, limited construction period and economical conditions of the project forced the project team to search for a new construction method for implementing the façade. The appropriate method seemed to be eliminating mortar by punching the bricks.

Parametric design software facilitated the texture design process. Despite the complex form of the facade the construction process was easily executable by workers through simple instructions prepared by employing a system of coding.

Brick has this unique potential to create a dynamic facade while using merely a single material.  The architecture is constantly alive, from both inside and outside. The facade’s colorful texture changes during the day representing different qualities of light and shadow as the inner spaces experience the same.

In arranging inner spaces, privacy is still the main goal especially in the entrance where a filtering space is designed to provide easy access to the spaces especially the kitchen. This filtering space is inspired from the vernacular Iranian architecture.

Designing niches between the columns provided the opportunity to host mechanical facilities, decorative objects and lighting. The location of the kitchen adjacent to the void, more than getting enough light, provides natural ventilation.

A ledge is designed in the gap between the brick membrane and the outer edge for placing flower-boxes and providing access to the windows from outside in case of cleaning. Balconies are placed behind the brick facade creating private semi-open spaces to revitalize their function. The plan is divided into geometrically pure forms in order to provide the potential to accept various furniture arrangements.

The design was an attempt to propose a prototype addressing the current issues of residential architecture in its region through bridging between old and new, proving how local materials and patterns can be used in new ways creating an architecture responding to both functional and aesthetic needs.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY