*파리 댄스스쿨 파사드디자인 [ Lankry Architectes ] Parisian dance school_faceted metal walls

지역건축가, Lankry가 설계한 댄스 스쿨의 독특한 입면 디자인은 학교의 캐릭터 정립과 내외부를 밀착시키는 공간적 체험을 제공합니다. 연속된 삼각패턴의 3차원 디테일은 알루미늄 펀칭 메탈을 이용합니다. 디자인의 정의와 함께 내외부를 필터링하는 기능적 요소로 사용되는 스킨은 직사광 방지와 균일한 내부 조도환경, 파리시내를 조망하는 전망을 제공합니다.

Folded tiles of perforated metal envelop this dance school in Paris by Lankry Architectes, creating a pattern of triangular facets.

Dance School Aurélie Dupont fits into the narrow slot between a supermarket and a four-storey apartment building in Joinville-le-Pont, a suburb in the southeast of the city.

West Paris-based Lankry Architectes set the dance school slightly back from the busy street, breaking the continuous facade and creating a small forecourt in front of the building.

Each of the square aluminium panels is folded on the diagonal to create the three-dimension pattern across each of the building's four walls.

Photography is by Julien Lanoo.

Architect: Lankry Architectes
Contractor: City of Joinville-le-Pont
Engineer consultant: MTC ingénierie, Alternative ingénierie acoustique

X-shaped perforations in the golden-toned cladding allow light to filter into the dance studios while restricting views from the street.

Lankry Architectes describes the form as a "monumental Minimalist sculpture".

"The dance school is inserted as an unusual object, capable of arousing perplexity and curiosity of the passersby," said the team.

Mirror-covered walls help to create to the illusion of space, while drapes help to soften the glossed concrete walls and metal fittings. Bright yellow and orange doors add accents of colour to the otherwise grey surfaces.

from  dezeen


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