*대조적 질감을 통해 정체성을 강조한 런던의 올드펍-brinkworth collaborates with michael marriott to design bird restaurant in london

런던 북부지역에 위치한 1930년대 오래된 펍의 리노베이션 작업을 통해 디자이너 michael marriott 는 brinkworth와 함께 음식과, 정체성, 그리고 그래픽 디자인 안에서 강력한 색과 재질들의 즐거운 사용, 네온 사인을 접목시켜 컨셉을 강조하는 러프한 도시적 재질을 강조하였다. 

펍 뒤편의 낡은 인테리어가 주는 기대치 못한 즐거움이 디자인 전반에 걸처 핵심적인 요소가 되었다. 패치된, 어울리지 않는 벽돌의 벽을 공간의 뒤 쪽에 배치함으로써 하얀색 네온의 새 모양 로고와 완벽하게 대조된다. 게다가 벽돌은 이 장소에 질감과 생명을 풍성하게 불어넣는 역할을 하기도 한다. 

located within a classic 1930’s pub in north london, designer michael marriott has collaborated with brinkworth to design the second BIRD restaurant. the team followed the ‘free range fried’ ethos developed by the founders, found in the food, identity and graphic design. intense colors, playful use of materials and glowing neon signs are juxtaposed against rough urban materials, emphasizing the concept.

stripping back the old interiors exposed an unexpected delight that became the key to the overall design. michael marriott says, ‘the patchy, mismatched brick wall to the rear of the space was a perfectly contrasting backdrop to the bright white neon bird logo. the brick adds a rich layer of texture and life to the venue.’
new materials were introduced to contrast with the original ones like perforated grey bricks that formed the bar while following the dotted pattern of the brand.  blue-formica branded tabletops were placed between oak banquette seating, an arrangement that had in mind the customers that often come after football matches, thanks to the proximity of the restaurant to the stadium.

sonny cant, director at brinkworth says, ‘it was a great process, working together with michael on the product development and prototyping for the new tables and lights. we have dialed up the use of the signature orange perforated steel, coupled with the new perforated brick, to create a strong brand aesthetic across the whole space.’

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY